Stupid Woman!

Suddenly...two big branches of the tree come to the rescue of the falling women. The tree wrapped its branches on the sister's waist.

"You girls are so stupid!" the tree reprimanded them.

Ivy saw the two birds floating nearby, hesitating to come to their side after seeing the tree already done rescuing them. Damn tree! She cursed the tree for rescuing them!

A few minutes later they were back safely in the ground of the floating land.

"Stay away from the edge! Dumb stupid human!" the tree scolded them and went back to its original form.

Ivy was furious that her plan failed, she just can't give up! She glanced at her sister, Kate was still trying to calm her nerves. She immediately grabbed her hand and pulled her with all her might and once again they tumble below...

"TREE HELPPPPPPPPPPPP!" Kate screamed again.

"What the heck!" The tree was shocked to see the sisters falling again! It acted quickly and able to save the girls in time.