Sleep Tight

Ivy opened her eyes slowly.

Her mind recalled what happened...she remembered that the tree catches them the second time around but it eventually released her to her death and she can't see the birds anywhere near her, she closed her eyes ready to face her untimely death, as her body was hurling down in dizzying speed.

After that, she loses consciousness...

Her gaze landed on her sister's face wet with tears. "Kate...?"

Kate looked at her sister worriedly. "Sis! Thank God you're finally awake! Are you hurt anywhere your body?" she asked.

Ivy shook her head. "I'm okay. I passed out. D-did the tree save me again?"

"No. It's not the tree that saved you. It's Granny Esmeralda, she must be around the floating land when you are falling so she was able to save you right on time before your body hit the ground," Kate fill in the details.