Poor Girl!

The next day.

Kate woke up to a beautiful morning on her side of the mattress and saw the open door. She stretched her body and noticed that her sister Ivy was no longer on her side.

"Huh? where is my sister?" she said aloud.

She bolted upright and rushed outside...sweeping her gaze at the front yard...and at the wooden bench... she can't see her sister anywhere!

Oh My God!

She remembered that the door was already wide open when she woke up this morning!

D-did her sister leave Granny's property in the middle of the night?

Did she jump below?

No! It can't be!

She would like to go near the edge but she was afraid of falling below, the trauma is great.

"SISTER WHERE ARE YOUUUUUUUU!?" she called out to her. Nobody responded.

She went to the tree.

"Tree! Tree...wake up! I need to ask you something...did you see my sister early this morning?" she asked.

The tree shakes its branches, grumbling. "Why are you so loud? I'm still sleeping!"