Find Her...ASAP!

Kate rushed inside the silver box, can't wait to start finding her sister.

Esmeralda followed here inside the box sporting a cool demeanor on her face.

A few moments later the box already take off and floated in the air.

"Where do you want to look first, child?" Esmeralda asked.

Kate looked at Granny. "I dunno...Granny...I have no idea where to find my sister. This place is too large, I don't know where to look first," she said in confusion.

"Let's begin in the forest below? What do you think?" Esmeralda suggested.

"Yes, please...If Ivy falls below then we might find her body lying somewhere," Kate answered sadly, already in tears.

Esmeralda went to Kate's side and patted her shoulder in sympathy. "Take it easy, child, I got a feeling that your sister is safe..." she said.

Kate's eyes widened. "I hope so, Granny," she responded with a sad smile. She appreciated that Granny is always willing to help her in times of need.