Where Have You Been?

A few hours later.

Kate awakened to a darkening surrounding, the night is fast approaching. OMG! She has been sleeping for a long time!

Suddenly, the door opened and Esmeralda entered the house. She looked at the girl. "Child, do you want to go with me?"

"W-where, Granny?" asked Kate.

"To the forest...the leaves located your sister's scent there..." Esmeralda explained.

Kate immediately rose to her feet. "I'll go with you, Granny!" she responded excitedly.

"Alright, let's go!" Esmeralda said.

The two women entered the silver box that was waiting in the front yard.

A few minutes later, the silver box take off from the ground and hovered in the air going to the eastern part of the horizon.

A few minutes later, the silver box landed in a clearing.

The silver box opened, Esmeralda and Kate exited and looked around them.

Few leaves are hovering in the air.