The Painful Truth

The sisters were enjoying the food when Esmeralda exited her room and addressed Ivy. "Child, I would like to talk to you after you finished eating," she informed her.

Ivy nodded her head. "Okay, Granny," she replied.

"I'll wait for you outside under the shade of the tree," Esmeralda added.

Kate shifted her gaze between Granny and her sister. "How about me, Granny? You don't want to talk to me?" she asked.

Esmeralda shook her head. "I just want to talk with your elder sister. We have a serious matter to discuss. Just stay here inside the house," she said.

Kate pouted. "Alright..."

Esmeralda exited the door while the sisters continue eating the food sent by Maxwell.

A half an hour later.

Ivy exited the house going to the direction of the tree.

"Take a seat beside me, Ivy," Esmeralda said.

Ivy obeyed and lowered herself in the wooden bench facing the old woman. "What is it, Granny?"