Pitch Black

The next day, after the girls finished breakfast, Esmeralda was determined to talk to Ivy.

"I need to talk to you, Ivy. Alone...!" she said.

Kate and Ivy looked at each other, their eyes flashing with curiosity, especially that Granny was sporting a serious look on her face.

"Okay," Ivy replied meekly.

"Follow me..." Esmeralda ordered.

"Wait...how about me?" Kate asked.

Esmeralda shifted her attention to Kate and smiled. "You stay here my dear. I just need to talk to your sister privately," she said and headed for the door.

Kate pouted, watching the two women exiting the house without her. She looked at the window.

She saw the silver box appeared in the front yard, Esmeralda and her sister went inside. The silver box takes off from the ground and was hovering in the air for a few seconds. A few minutes later it disappeared on the horizon.

Kate sighed. Where are they going? Why they didn't bring her with them?