Soon Enough!

When Ivy opened her eyes, she noticed that she can't still move her body! The only thing she can move is her eyeballs. She glanced at her arm where Granny had cut with the knife. Huh? Her brows furrowed.

Where is the cut? It's gone!

Did the wound heal right away?

Impossible! She just saw her blood trickled into the ceramic bowl. She also feels the sting of the pain the moment the knife's blade cuts through her skin and flesh.

Everything that took place earlier was real!

But why is it that there was no fresh cut on her arm? And there are no traces of blood either!

What the heck is going on?

Where is Granny? Did she left and go back to the house? Oh God, she needs to return to the house quickly and warned her sister that Granny is a serial killer! A murderer!

Wait...where is she...what place is this?