The Arrival!

Outside the castle.

At 3:00 in the afternoon.

Inside the moving wagon, the old man took something from his old tattered bag. He holds the bottle in his hand and looked at it for a long time.

Ella examined the bottle with her eyes, its appearance is quite simple, it's color gray, but it has a vintage look to it, more like an ancient treasure.

The old man put the bottle in Ella's hands. "I have nothing to give you, child. This bottle is a token of our friendship. Take care of my gift and don't lose it. Thank you for treating me to lunch yesterday, that was the best delicious meal I ever tasted for a long time. I wish you well in everything that you do in the future," he finished his heartfelt speech.

Ella smiled. For some reason she like his simple gift. No one has ever given her a gift before, for the first time she was given a gift by a stranger. And it feels nice!