Where Can They Hide?

Ella marched onward towards the castle on the hill, clutching her bag on her chest. The moon above the sky was very bright, it illuminated her path.

It's easy to walk on the hill because it's not as steep or high as the mountains.

She halted on her steps and turned around, she waved her hand at the driver of the wagon, he waved back. She feels comforted that he was staying true to his words and is willing to wait for her.

She continues walking...approaching the huge castle.

When she was already near the massive gate, she saw an old man sitting on the rusty metal bench. The old man looked at her and rose to his feet holding a wooden cane.

Ella rushed to his side. "Grandpa, good evening!" she conveyed her greetings.

"Good evening, young lady. What can I do for you?" he asked, eyeing her carefully.

"I'm here to find my sisters who are working here," she said directly to the point.

"Oh, I see...can you give me their names...?"