After Effects

Esmeralda sweeps her gaze around the area. "Let's rest for a moment here and plan our next move. "She closed her eyes for a while inhaling the fresh air of the evening.

"Guys, let's go to my village! I'll introduce you to my aunt and sister!" Kate blabbered excitedly.

"Silence, please. I want to savor this joyous moment!" demanded the tree.

Kate smiled and pressed her mouth shut. She lay her body on the grassy ground and stared at the full moon in the sky, she's wearing a broad smile on her face. Esmeralda and the tree were doing the same.

"It feels so good to be out in the open!" said Kate.

"Me too! I feel so alive after escaping the castle. It's been centuries and I missed the freedom to roam the world," the tree murmured in happiness.