Mountain Goddess

The portal brought Esmeralda and her companions to the top of a mountain, where clouds can be touch by the hands. The mountain was teeming with trees, plants, bushes, and all types of flowering plants.

It's a breathtaking mountain, like an enchanted garden at the top of the highest place on earth.

More like a place where the Gods dwell.

They landed in the middle of the garden where fruit-bearing trees were growing in every corner.

Kate was speechless, awed by the splendor of the surroundings. "Tree, pinch me! I think I died already and ascended into heaven!" she gushes. "This place is too beautiful!"

The tree was observing Esmeralda's breathing. "Esme! Open your eyes!" he ordered.

Esmeralda's vision was fading, her breath was faltering.

"Oh no! Granny! Granny don't die!" Kate cried. "HELPPPPPPP! ANYONE THERE PLEASE HELP USSSSSS!" she shouted at the top of her lungs.