
Two days later. Inside the castle.

Ella was imprisoned in a chamber inside the cave. It has a wooden bed, a make-shift toilet, but there is no door. Unfortunately, she can't still escape the place because instead of a door, it has a barrier, and it's not letting her out no matter how hard she tried opening it.

She's tired of trying because she only gets annoyed fighting the barrier that won't let her step outside.

She sits down on the wooden bed, waiting for her abductor to bring her food. In fairness, he brought her food, or else she will die of hunger.

When she asked him when he will let her go, he told her that he is currently busy, 'coz he needs to erect traps and defenses outside the cave so that the vampires who are trying to find them will not be able to locate their hiding place.

Ella was planning to open the bottle so that it would produce the smoke needed to distract the old man because she was planning to escape the cave.