The Healer Tribe

Jegun, Zemeth, and Ramza stared at the monster boy as his transformation began. Slowly his monster look was fading away, replaced by a handsome young man, but they were also shocked because something unexpected happens...

The girl that he was feeding blood from was now turning into an old woman, her skin wrinkling and sagging, her hair turned gray instantly. The transformation took the men by surprise.

Zemeth runs to Ella's side. "What's going on?" he asked looking at Jegun.

"I dunno...I did not expect that this is going to happen. It seemed the girl's body took the curse, I mean the curse transferred to the girl," he tried explaining it the best possible way.

Agran stared at the girl's tragic transformation in shock.

Zemeth checked Ella's breathing.

"Is she still breathing?" asked Ramza worriedly.

"Yes, she is," answered Zemeth.