Sad News

The next day.

Esmeralda was now up on her feet, standing at the entrance of the house beside her mentor, sending Aspen and Kate to their voyage to the human world.

Vearah handed the leather belt to Aspen. "You can use this belt to open up the portal that will lead you to my place," she told him.

Aspen accepted the leather belt. "Thank you so much for this gift, Immortal Vearah!"

Vearah gave the necklace to Kate. "Child, this necklace is yours. You can also use this to open the portal and it will lead you back to this mountain," she said.

Kate inspected the necklace. It has one single diamond on it and the thread used was made of plain silver. "Wow, what a cute necklace! How I'm going to use it if I wanted to come back here?" she asked in bewilderment. To her, it looks just like a simple necklace.