The Painful Truth

Hours went by.

During lunch, Julia brought home-cooked foods to Kate's house, then left a moment later going back to her house.

Aspen was trying to force Kate to eat lunch.

"I'm not hungry," Kate said.

"Oh common, eat something even a few spoonfuls. We are going to the cemetery later and I'm sure we will walk a few kilometers on the way. You might not be able to walk further if you don't put something in your empty stomach first and the worst thing could happen... I have to carry you on the way to the cemetery," he scolded her.

The mentioned of the cemetery brought Kate back to her current situation, finally, she holds the spoon and began eating the food in front of her.

One hour later.

Julia appeared on the doorsteps holding an umbrella in her right hand and candles and flowers in her left hand. "Are you ready guys?" she asked brightly.

"Yes, we are," Kate and Aspen replied in unison.