Long Story

Kate turned around and saw an old woman smiling happily at her. A frown appeared on her face. "W-who are you?"

Ella smiled and hugged her sister tightly. "I'm Ella... can't you recognize my voice? It's me!" she said.

Kate looked at the old woman's face closely. She can't be mistaken, she was indeed hearing Ella's voice correctly. But the woman hugging her... is certainly not her! This baffled her mind and confuses her. "What happened to you? Why are you looking like an old woman?"

Ella released a deep sigh. Tears welled in her eyes. "It's a long story sister. When I entered the castle to inform you that Aunt Margie passed away, I didn't expect that the castle was teeming with mysterious beings and creatures. I got bitten by a monster and ended this way. His bite was poisonous that is why my skin shriveled horribly like that of an old woman," she explained between sobs.