Something New

The portal opened up at the top of the mountain, in the middle of the fruit garden.

Kate addressed her companion. "Just wait here for a moment, guys..."

She rushed towards the entrance of the house calling the granny's name. "Granny Vearah! Granny Esmeralda... I'm back!" she shouted the moment she stepped inside the house.

The women rushed outside their rooms and saw Kate near the door.

"What is going on?" Vearah asked.

Esmeralda was frowning. "Calm down, Kate. Why are you back suddenly? Did something bad happened?" she asked.

"Yes!" replied Kate out of breath. She went to Immortal's side. "Granny Vearah, please help our friend, Zemeth! He was wounded after they escaped from the castle, he was one of the men who help rescue my sisters from the castle!" she pleaded.

"Okay, calm down, let me see the injured guy," Vearah said calmly.