Glimpse Of The Future!

The portal opened in the fruit garden.

Ella was immediately amazed by her surrounding. She's never seen such an array of fruit-bearing plants in her whole life, only today! She went to the apple tree and stared at the apple. "Wow, so yummy!" she looked at her companion excitedly. "A-are these fruits even real?" she asked in amazement.

Ramza went to her side. "Yes! All the fruits here are real. Growing fruits is one of Immortal Vearah's hobby. Go ahead, pick one apple, and sink your teeth into its juiciness!" he encourages her.

Ella smiled and grabbed the red apple hanging in front of her. She wiped it with the hem of her clothe and sank her teeth into the fruit. Her eyes brightened up. "Wow! It tastes so nice and sweet!" she raves.