
Vearah put Esmeralda in a trance and let the magic wand do its thing. However, the magic wand refuses to work. It didn't emit flashes of lights to show that it's working. It looks like it's malfunctioning, which is kind of odd since it works with Ella earlier. Why won't it work when it comes to reading Esmeralda's future?

Vearah tried again the second time around and so on.

3rd time.

4th time.

5th time.

Still the same result!

Vearah sighed, it looks like the magic wand doesn't want to read Esmeralda's future.

She tried again for the 6th time.

This time... there is some activity going on with the magic wand... it's already flashing lights!

"Finally!" said Vearah in relief.

However, when the magic wand showed Esmeralda's future, it didn't show anything except darkness. Thick darkness! Eh? Her brows furrowed in confusion. What does it mean?

Nothing follows... only thick darkness.