Changing Times

Zemeth, Ramza, and Jegun arrived on the island through the portal just when the break of dawn was taking place on the horizon.

Bhork and Dredo were jogging on the beach during that time because the weather is good.

Zemeth called them to inform them of what happened last night. "Guys...the castle releases a lot of monsters last night. We have done everything we could to kill them, just to save the people from death. But still, death was unavoidable. I'm afraid that the vampires will release another batch of monsters anytime, either during daylight or nighttime. To make sure the monsters can not reach the populous town, we need to station some men in the castle to monitor the situation there day and night. Make a group of two, if something comes up, send a message right away to inform us. Wear a camouflage, you can't be seen by anyone," he warned them.