Wise Thing

It's already nighttime when Zemeth, Jegun, and Ramza arrived at Immortal Vearah's place.

They gathered in the living room to discuss the new development in the castle.

Jegun released a deep sigh. "Last night is a nightmare...we finally witnessed how destructive the monsters can be if they are released in public. They will eat humans and animals, no exemption!"

"Yes, and I'm fearing for the worst-case scenario when they released more monsters that we can handle," Ramza said.

"We should assign someone to patrol the castle just in case they released another batch of monsters so that we can prevent the slaughter," suggested Vearah.

"Ah, regarding that suggestion...I already assigned two of my men to guard the castle day and night. They will report to me if they will detect something unusual happening around the castle," Zemeth said.