Die With You

Vearah had just finished grounding the poisonous roots of Drilizir Tree, and it's already ready to use. Later, she will add other components to the powder to produce an even deadlier result. She was expecting the vampires to be bolder and released more monsters, which means more poison powder is needed to kill more monsters in one go.

She exited the restricted room that she had erected in the backyard of her house a long time ago. She used that room to experiment on many things, which include concocting herbal medicines and poisons.

Outside, she found the girls catching fish in the pond. "Need help, girls?" she asked them.

The girls smiled. "No need, thanks, Granny. We can manage," they replied in unison.

"Ah, girls. Don't enter that room over there, okay? I'm preparing the poison powder in there that can help kill more monsters quickly. That room is dangerous! The fumes in there can kill humans in seconds, BEWARE!" Vearah warned them.