One Moment In Time

Zemeth was standing on the sandy shore while staring at the calm blue ocean in front of him. He was in deep thoughts, thinking about his beloved Ivy inside the castle. He knows that after the opening was made, Ivy was just there standing nearby because her blood was used to open the blazing barrier. That should have been his chance to save her. Instead, he went away and kills monsters to save people than saving Ivy first!

He was agonizing over the lost opportunity. He was so consumed with regret that he didn't realize that Grandpa was coming his way.

"What are you thinking, lad?" Jegun asked.

Zemeth sighed heavily and looked at the old man. "Grandpa, I'm thinking of Ivy. I should have rushed inside the opening and save her when the opportunity presented itself," he said with a voice full of regrets.

Jegun sighed and patted Zemeth's soldier. "Have you regretted saving the people and feels upset that you fail to save Ivy?"