Bonding Time

Aspen left the conversation and went to Esmeralda's room.

She was sitting on the bed. "Are you guys talking about me?" she asked him directly.

He asked, "What-? Are you eavesdropping on our conversation?"

Esmeralda shook her head. "Not really," she answered. "So, what are you guys talking about?"

"Well...we are indeed talking about you, about the late Immortal Vearah, about the villagers and the monsters...since we have no idea what are the vampires were planning in their heads we can only assume that they will be releasing more monsters in the coming days after they discovered that all the monsters they have released have died... they will get mad for sure..." Aspen narrated.

"Ah...I see....just the usual stuff... I thought I'm missing something. So, why are you talking about me?" Esmeralda asked again.

"The boys and I...we're thinking what is good for you..."

Esmeralda raised a brow in confusion. "What is good for me-? Spill!"