Feeling Better?

The following day.

Maxwell entered the ritual room and examined Ivy's face. She was still sleeping soundly. "My dear Ivy... I'm taking you back to your room now," he murmured.

He carries Ivy's sleeping form in his arms.

They disappeared from the ritual room and reappeared a minute later inside Ivy's room. He placed her body in the bed and touched her head gently. "Wake up now, Ivy..." he whispered into her ear.

One minute passed.

Ivy finally opened her eyes, she blinked twice and stared at him.

Maxwell smiled. "How are you feeling now, my dearest Ivy?"

Ivy smiled. "I'm fine. I'm feeling thirsty, c-can I have a water, please?" she said.

"Sure! I'll get you a water," Maxwell said and went to the table in the corner and poured water from the porcelain pitcher into the glass. He brought it to Ivy's side. "Here's your water my dearest," he said.