Vincent extended his hand for a handshake. The three adventurers were flustered and promptly stood up.
Mimi approached their location with a swift pace while her chest bounced.
Mimi smiled at the three adventurers looking at her before extending her hand for a handshake. She wanted to act like a proper administrator, unlike the secret-like job of being a Guild Master.
They gulped and respectfully wiped their hands on their pants as a sign of respect. One after the other, they shook Mimi's hand anxiously.
Mimi smiled and felt happy that she could feel like a great person for once. She was always known as her father's daughter by her vampire peers.
Becoming a Guild Master didn't mean she could go around and flex her position. Like the reception Mimi received, barely anyone would believe her. Additionally, trouble would surely ensue if shady people were interested in the information Mimi holds.