Like father, like daughter

The proposition needed to have an official signature stating that the Baron or the Baroness of the Lionheart family branch would be interested in creating a company. Additionally, Mimi would be their representative and manager of the said company.

Vincent and Kazumi had overlooked the need to sign such a document with everything that happened today. Both felt pleased to hear about Lilith's reliability and avoid unforeseen legal repercussions.

Vincent didn't hear Mimi enter their bedroom before closing his eyes and sleeping like a log.

*Day 183 - 7 December - Tuesday*

After a long and eventful Monday passed, Tuesday's sun began to dawn and light the brand new day.

Vincent woke up. He looked around and saw no one on the bed. To his surprise, he saw Kazumi floating and in front of her was Jun Ye Rim sitting on a chair.

"I can't believe your words to be true. How can someone experience such a horrible past and smile as if they had a flowery life?"