Magic is hard

Two weeks had passed since their first lecture, and by now they learnt at what they were good and what they were not good at. Magic had always been something so vast that people usually only dedicate themselves to some of the many schools of magic, taking all their lifes to perfect and improve step by step, brick by brick... something that Theo found very, very tiring, it reminded him of university, something he didn't want to go through once again, but while he was already dragging his feet along to the classes and experiments, Selia found herself in such art, after learning the language and content of the basics she quickly showed herself to be a genius, everything she dedicated her time to study would take no time to begin showing results, to the point where Auron and even Krasus were surprised.

While the little drake was getting more educated and powerful, I was getting restless, afraid that I may be wasting my time on books and on things that did not hold an awnser for our circumstance, I had since had two more nightmares in only this short amount of time... if I was someone who was already aware of their probes and able to resist the temptation and corruption only by mustering all my willpower, what about Selia? She was someone with a bit of a personality disorder due to the experiments made on her, even if she sometimes reacted mature, her mind should reach break point sometime right?

Thinking such, I was even more determined to visit Alonsus Faol, the Archbishop that you could call as one of the more Light atunned of the humans. the Light was capable of affecting the mind in some beneficial ways such as bringing hope, calm and evoking empathy for others... it could in theory fight against the growing darkness in our minds or atleast hold it back for a while.

In the game the awnser for the Old Gods corruption was quite a monumental project that the last descendent of the black dragonflight took over, he was like us a experiment, trying to rid the blacks from the corruption of their Aspect, the red dragon Rhaeastrasza captured a black dragon forcing her to give birth and experimenting with her whelps, and after a long process involving tempering with things she herself didn't understand by using an ancient titan artifact, she succeeded, giving birth to Wrathion who even before hatching was already making plans to fight against the destiny of his flight.

The answer he found was something akin to fighting poison with poison, using and directing the mind attacks of the Old Gods with void energy, while isolating oneself from their influence... a daring move but also very dangerous and not to be attempted lightly, it took Wrathion on a journey reading and exploring close to all corners of the world to succeed in only a partial effect of such theory and even in the game he could not finish a complete product, only something that gave resistance instead of immunity.

I didn't want to walk the same path, for not only I did not know to achieve the same results, but also had more pressing matters like my spirit and body slowly tearing itself apart and the multiple jumbled inheritances inside our confused memories.

I wanted to depart as soon as possible for Capital City, but seeing Selia's improvement in not only her knowledge but also mentality I became hesitant to leave so soon... I should let her be happy and get stronger for a bit, but still we had to go before things got out of control.

Along the time we spent on Dalaran we would visit Krasus for checkups every so often, something that allowed us to see a bit into how much time we had until complete collapse.

Krasus estimation was around ten years if we were careful, five if we lived normally and even lesser time if we trying to push it too far. All that was without considering the state of our spirit and soul still so who knew when our state could abruptly change?

Deciding to find better ways to spend my time since I was never talented at academic matters, I invested my time on studies of the mages about the orc and dwarven shamanism, Gilnean Old Way druids and the Kultiran Tidesages, all of them held their powers on communing with the land through what they called the Spirit, the common trait of all life was the presence of Spirit, no matter if they were elementals, biological, mechanic or what not, all of them had a spirit, also called Spirit of Life, practiced by shamans, druids and I suspected monks as well.

Usually there was not much knowledge on the source of all powers in diferent spellcasters, but only a general idea, with time they would uncover those secrets and grow stronger as they did, but at the moment every spellcasting group was quite narrow in their views and did not share much of their ideas with each other... something that would only begin to change after the Legion invaded Azeroth in the Third War, when many peoples and races stood together in defending the World Tree Nordrassil at the Battle of Mount Hyjal.

Spirit healing sounded like one of the most likely candidates of the methods of fixing their spirits, but it was quite a difficult thing to be able to get in touch even with your own spirit much less others, taking meditation and inspiration to achieve it after much effort, finding someone skilled in the art to teach them and being able to convince them of such would take alot of effort and time so he should atleast get the limited knowledge he could get his hands here on Dalaran.


"That child Selia is trully remarkable isn't she? She may one day be a great Archmage or even something grander, should we find her a better teacher? Maybe bring her in as a pupil of the council?" said one image who looked like mist in the shape of a human woman.

"Indeed it would be too much of a shame to let Auron teach her, afterall the old wizard has not even a single apprentice left, even if we wizards are not the superstitious type, even I suspect if he is indeed to cursed to always mourn his students demise..." said another mist shaped men.

"Is it not for the child to choose? If we wish for her to join our ranks we must respect her choices as well... if not she may come to resent us." Said a slightly aged voice with a bit of insight.

"That child is not someone we can choose to interfere with... If she desires so, it would be good for us, but her fate lay lie elsewhere..." said Krasus while hearing the greedy thoughts of his fellow councillors.

Kirin'tor, the council of the most learned of Dalaran, also known as the Council of Six, was a secretive order who would hold the highest authority in the Kingdom of Mages, their identities would remain hidden from each other and from the people bellow them, so that they may not interfere with each other in case of conflicting views, atleast that was the idea. It was proven not much later that it was an unneeded thing since it was still possible to determine the councillors if one out enough effort into it, and that it would often give reason for a lack of transparency in their decisions, something that would often bring suspicion from the other members of the Alliance. How can they know ones intentions if they won't even show their faces? Or how can they trust one they do not even know the name? It would be something used by Deathwing in his disguise as Lord Prestor to drive a wedge between Dalaran and the other member of the Alliance, making them alienated from their allies.

"Your words suggest that there is more to the girl then the eye meets, should we not investigate her and be alerted to such earlier? Could you hold the responsibility in case she brings disaster upon Dalaran?" said a melodious, aggressive voice.

"Should we be afraid of every child we induct as an apprentice just for the secrecy of their identity? That sound too much of paranoia to me, as long as they are not a disguised demon, let them be I say!" Said the old voice once again.

" Since our dear councillor seems to be aware of identity, we shall not press unto this matter since given your caution I would not imagine you allowing dangers to remain inside Dalaran for long." Said another female voice, a bit more aged than the other woman.

"Indeed, she does not hold danger, let her be and let her come and go as she pleases, she can always come and join at a latter date if she makes her mind for it." said Krasus.