Hunting the Hunters

Later in the day, Krasus showed up to give them their rewards, a pair of both bottomless bags and specially enchanted robes, which would adjust to the size of the wearer, according to Krasus they costed quite a bit to make. He also added a pair of enchanted hoods that would not allow others to see our faces or thoughts through magic as a departing gift. Giving also both of us a pouch of gold so that we may not need to waste time earning it for a while.

Selia was quite happy at having things that were trully hers after so long, afterall they had come to Dalaran with only a couple of coins and clothes, and now we're leaving with enough to be considered well off in society... but of course for a dragon this was nothing, dragons were famous for hoarding all kinds of diferent things, the blue dragon usually held many magic artifacts, the black ones were from of precious metals, and bronze ones were fond of collection souvenirs from diferent moments of history.

And thus after three days making preparations, we departed after having said our goodbyes to our teacher, making a promise to visit when possible, and hopefully while he still lived.


"Are you sure the enchantment you hid is not traceable? If someone discovers the robes being tampered with, being kicked out of the council will be the last of my problems..." said a hooded figure to the elf enchanter.

"Of course, elves will always make something better than what a human can."

"You better be... I trust you should know to keep quiet right? I have many ways to deal with those with loose lips."

The handsome elf clearly didn't take the threats to heart as he casually awnsered.

"Yes, yes, now let me to my work, I have repaid my favor to you already.."


Theo and Selia left Dalaran through the north, in the direction of Lordaeron, he still didn't forget that he needed to find a way to mend his spirit and his body to get access to the system he had, knowing that the same system had somehow organized his draconic memories that came with his blood, he was looking forward to what else it could do for him.

They planned to follow aling the coast of the Lordaeron Lake to north until the twilight came, after that they would fly all night to either reach the end of the Dawning Isles located in the middle of the lake or the other shore if they reached it before dawn, since they did not want to be chased by gryphon riders or even catch the attention of someone they shouldn't.

They followed the lake for tens of miles, until Theo became sure they were being watched for quite a while. It was a sensitivity to magic, inherited from the blue dragon bloodline most likely that made him catch wind of the stalkers.

Since he could feel the magic in the air, as if the air itself were transmitting his image afar, it was likely mages from Dalaran that followed them since their departure...

("Don't act startled, we are being watched, most likely mages from Dalaran, looks like we were too eye catching. They must be waiting for the night to catch us on our sleep if they didn't attack us yet.")

Acting as normal Selia quickly understood that he wanted to set a trap to catch their stalkers and knowing him, question their reasons for doing so.

So they kept on going until when the sun started to fade they set a single large tent under a tree, even if I offered to buy a pair of tents Selia was adamant about wanting to sleep in the same tent. If I can guess right, she too suffers from nightmares at night, and as so did I, I readily agreed.

As soon as we set the tent and entered it, we started preparing to surprise our guests. Since the tent was also enchanted to not allow one to peer inside, they were unaware that we had already left long before they approached it in the middle of the night.

As soon as we saw them we knew that our guess of their identity was very likely the truth, it was a group of around 6 mages, with around 10 rogues surrounding the tent.

The rogues went into hiding waiting to ambush while the mages set up a ward that according to Selia, was designed to seal the inside not allowing anything to leave the circle, while at the same time allowing spells from outside to go through without a problem.

It would have been a nasty fight if we were inside the tent, we would most likely won, but would have been injured and would not be able to chase them if they ran to report our identities as dragons.

("I will take out the rogues first, if you want to prepare a spell you can already start, we can't allow anyone to leave one they see us.")

As Selia started to prepare her spell silently on the back of their group remaining unnoticed, I used invisibility magic while in my human form to stealthy slit their throats with my claws that were capable of cutting iron armor.

("4 more to go, if the mages start casting you should start your assault, I will take them by surprise as soon as you do.")

"Where is the rogue that we called just now? why are they taking so long?" by now the mages and three remaining rogues were suspicious or the lack of response of their comrades, and soon they took up their guards while shouting "Were under attack!!"

As soon as the mage screamed so, a hail of ice descended upon the mages. they put up shields to protect their selves while facing the direction of the one casting the hail. While they kept their backs to me I quickly faced against the two rogues who saw me slaying their companion, and together they advanced against me.

I took this opportunity to surprise them by turning into my dragon form and using my tail to swipe the on the right and my teeth to deal with the one of the left, due to the shock of facing a dragon while trying to overwhelm their enemy, the rogue on the left had his ribcage crushed by my tail, while on the other hand I was surprised to bite air with my mouth, and when I searched for him he was already gone.

Judging it hard to spend time to find the rogue at this moment I quickly threw a dragon breath in the backs of the mages, killing four of them in the process. the other two quickly blink away as soon as they heard the scream of the slain rogue.

Selia taking then initiative chased one of the mages in her dragon form shooting icicles to distract him until she was already over him with her claws extended around his head.


That was the sound of another mage dying.

Now it was two versus two, of course the dragons held advantage due to their bodies and size. The rogue was still well hidden, and could very well be retreating to inform his superiors of our identity.

Deciding to let Selia deal with the mage, I soon activated my earth connection at full power to try and sense him before he left the range of the ability.

I had found him, so even with vertigo hiting my head hard I kept chasing after the sneaky fella.

Behind me Selia was being suppressed in the first exchange of spells they had, it was clear to see that the mage she faced was cut above the rest of their group.

Deciding to not play with her prey she decided to cast quick spells to interrupt him while coming close to unleash her reach on him.

As he had seen the dragon do something similar with his dead companion he decided to not go on the defensive but rather retake the initiative and hit the beast with a powerful blow.

As soon as she saw her spells hit her target but not do much damage due to his enchanted robe, she realized that she was in for a world of hurt, for as soon as she opened her mouth to breath, the spell the mage was preparing was released.

That as the moment when time stoped, for a brief but very important second. In that single second she managed to send a lighting breath, that belonged to a bronze dragon strait into the forming spell in the hands of the mage. making both the spell and himself to become a huge explosion that could be heard from afar.

She was still hit by the explosion, but the single second of advantage allowed her to use her wings to shield herself.

Meanwhile, Theo was in a high speed chase after the fleeing rogue in the woods, being large also had its issues as the rogue would use the trees to protect him self from the dragon.

Seeing as this would go nowhere if he just kept chasing him, already having his head hurt like hell he decided to assume a nimbler form of a humanoid with wings, and darted like a missile against his foe, only to miss once again.

The rogue was nimble. Very much so. But unless he had a special dagger he would not be able to hurt me.

As soon as I had that thought he threw daggers at me, one of which lodged itself on my shoulder causing a great deal of pain.

'Again?! How many times will I jinx myself?'