After getting rid of the hidden dangers we were carrying in our things, we flew across the lake coming to the other side of it by making a bit of effort, deciding that we finaly could set up our tent and rest, but not only after setting a illusion ward around our tent, nothing fancy, just a silencing spell wih invisibility.
Getting comfy in our own bedrolls we quickly slept.
Darkness, cold and silence.
A hollow place, where only nothingness could be seen. I remember this sight, from right before I came to this world.
Soon a slit showed up, it was a rugged and squirming like a viscous liquid, like the eyelids of some creature.
As the slid opened slowly, every inch would make the surrounding scream in horror, a multitude of whispers filled with madness, fear, paranoia and despair.
It was almost too much to me... I fought and fought with my mind, doing all I could to not hear the maddening sounds and to not look at the eye.
I hoped for freedom, for release from despair, all I wanted was the least bit of happiness that I could reach, even after so much failure and disappointment in my past life, I still held hope.
That hope now flickered like a small spark, the tiniest of flames, and now was about to be extinguished by the foul coldness that surrounded me inching ever close.
I suddenly found my self angry at this coldness, at the madness, the eye. A righteous anger deep inside me, that was something which I always had but repressed as I was afraid it would only serve to alienate me further from others.
Why must life be so unjust? Or why can't people simply love one another without prejudice? Must life kick someone when they are down? Should I accept that?
Suddenly the little wick shone bright and the voices, darkness and madness retreated. And so I woke up.
Seeing Theo sleeping talking, sweating and shivering in his sleep, Selia got her bedroll to his side, she understood that the voices and nightmares should be happening right now, so she thought to hug him close, until all voices passed, until he was calmer and could once again resist them, like he often did with her.
Theo thought she didn't notice how he would stay awake at night when she was in her nightmares, how when the tide of madness came he stood there as a safe harbor in the storm, but she did, she was aware of each time in fact.
In just one month their relationship grew closer and closer, both afraid to lose the warmth and light of each other, afraid that if the other slipped they would soon follow, afraid that if they themselves slipped the other would follow.
Few shared the trials they faced, the pain, the confusion and their struggle to remain sane and hopeful, Theo was the only one who understood her, and she thought she was the only one who understood Theo also.
Suddenly Theo's body started to heat up, and slowly to even shine with a faint light, a dragon's perception was very accurate, she knew something was going on, but she did not know what or why.
Soon Theo opened his eyes wide open, they shone like a sun, even if only for a single second before fading and returning to normal.
He looked at her hugging him, and even if slightly confused hugged her back, his warmth became even warmer and she felt peace she didn't feel before, slowly whispers of shadow came out of them and their bodies became more relaxed and the fatigue that they built up started to melt, she liked being in this place, his arms were better than a bed, she thought.
So they after staying together and hugging each other went back to sleep and rested better than any other day before.
Morning came but the duo didn't wake, they slept until noon, a testament at how tired they were, not only of their fight, but also of their daily struggle with the madness.
Theo was the first to wake up, he took a couple seconds to look at his female companion thinking that he finaly had something he wanted to do with all his heart. He wanted her well, happy and free from the shackles of a broken body and broken mind, he would do anything for her, this last night just let him know his already developed feelings, now it was up to him to act on them.
He went to hunt a breakfast, always making sure to remain hidden with both magic and vigilance, he prepared a little camp fire where he roasted a pair of deer legs, while he removed the undesired parts like the intestines or the head, and then got to work in making the best dish he could, wanting to give Selia a surprise. He even wanted to learn to cook for her, it's amazing what feelings can make one do, he liked that, life was trully colourful when one had a reason to live.
Selia came out of the tent and was presented with a deer leg, it was a bit salty and lacked some condiments, but it was better than the tiny amount of food that was offered at Dalaran.
They both ate and resumed their journey, they had to grow strong and had to fix themselves up, for each other!