
Everytime we reached a valley, the young tauren would dismount my back and look for tracks and bones on the paths with less snow. His method to help us find the orc clan to use the fact that they all had wolves, those wolves would need to hunt to feed themselves and as long as you found signals of past preys or animal tracks, you could find either the wolves or they prey.

He told me of the customs of his people, how they live off the land and how each of the sub-tribes would follow one of the elements, they would learn the ways of the animals that lived in them, they would learn the ways of life that represented their element, the gentleness of water, the roughness of stone, the freedom of wind. They had a culture dedicated to such.

The more I learnt about the many types of different spell casters and ways of magic the better, so adding this to my journal while he used his superb hunting skills, something that was also very prevalent in his tribe, usually they had many hunters instead of pure warriors in the history of his people.

Having already a week since we started our search, and growing frustrated at the impressive secrecy of their dwelling place, we finnaly found our first wolve tracks, coming and going between two different valleys.

Trusting Trag's hunting skill once more we followed him to the source of the tracks and cake upon a group of wolves.

They were fairly big, capable of mounting by not humans but orcs, they must be mighty beasts to carry around a condensed sack of muscles that is a orc, just their bone structure must weight he same as a average human.

Seeing the pack sleeping under the sun on some big flat rocks, I approached while using my Blessing of Nature, soothing the animals and sharing my intentions to find their owners and learn from them. Understanding my words and feeling a comforting calm around me, they guided us to the settlement where the clan lived.


Many huts were present in this small town, it was not the size of a city but was certainly larger than a village, showing me that there were much more orcs here than I first imagined. It made sense for them to hide, the human kingdoms wouldn't ever allow such orc settlement to flourish right under their noses.

As we came into vision of the tribe we were quickly noticed, hard to hide when you got a pack of rhino sized wolves guiding the way.

The orc's faces held fear at first, but as soon as they realised that not only we were being guided by their frostwolves but also a brought along a foreign race never seen by them, they called their chieftain and had us wait outside their settlement, suspicious of our intentions.

We decided to wait for the chieftain as well to allow them to see we respected them. A figure soon came out being guided by a wolf that had a wise and imposing figure, even animals and beasts had their special and individual qualities, much less the people's of this world, something that fed my desire for exploring new cultures and to travel all around the world to meet new people.

"Lok'tar Ogar Chieftain, we many spent many day and nights to seek your people. We came to learn from your ways, how to commune with the land and with the elements, this is my reason for reach this place." I said to the blind yet visibly powerful chieftain, I knew him as well, he was Drek'tar, Thrall's teacher by the way, the teacher of the very future Warchief of the new Horde.

"Lok'tar traveller, how come you know of us? It is not easy to find us and neither for the people's of this world to know our ways." said the elder with a hint of suspicion, knowing that the future of the tribe rested in his shoulders he could not take this request lightly.

"I came to know of your ways through my journeys, there are many orcs who turn to the old ways after their defeat in the Second War... Knowing that you may help me find the awnser I desperately seek, we searched in many valleys to get lucky enough to find you." I said trying to disarm his suspicions and making clear that we searched many placer before coming here by luck on a long journey, which was also the truth, even if one would guess us spending months to do such without flight.

"Come to my tent, I will hear your reasons, if I find myself able to help you, I will, but I will not let you inside my tribe or teach you our ways unless I ascertain who you are."

"It is reasonable, thank you!" I said expecting as much and also having gratitude for not being sent off without being able to scam- convince him into teaching me.


"So you are telling me they arrived at Alterac around a week ago? And that only now you got me such important information? Go speak with the Northrend branch master, maybe some time in the cold and quiet place will make your brain stop to rot away." Said Farhad while dismissing away the scout of the Alterac - Lordaerin border, he seemed quite pissed at losing the chance to get his hands on some valuable pawns, a chess player needed them to win afterall.

But he still decided to act upon such information, quickly getting in contact with one of his own branches of scouts and trackers, sending them to find the duo even if they had to flip the mountains over. Such action was risky but also had high chances of success since none reported them coming out of the mountains yet.

Assuming them to be in hiding to avoid their eyes and ears he wanted to make sure to cast a net before they trully disappeared in the mountains. If it catched it would be very good, if it didn't he would have reason to justify his actions, since Nefarion was also after them he could just state he was following orders and since his masters did not pay much attention to the inner workings of their underground organization he had close to free reign if he avoided suspicions.