Elemental Blessing

"Who summons me, the mighty Hydraxis?! I shall vanquish the foes of Neptulon and bring tides of justice to this place!!" Shouted a big transparent floating mass of water which had two arms and a humanoid figure.

'It is Duke Hydraxis! The champion of Neptulon! This high priest might be more important than I first thought! Finally i can just trust everything to them and catch my breath!' I said while messaging the party to fall back and let them do the rest.

"Who dares use foul sorcery to bind the sea and winds? I shall drown the ones who desecrate this waters!" As he shouted water sprouts came from no where summoning water elementals to fight the naga.

It soon became a slaughter where the naga had no way of resisting being struck too many times, first by our group, then the fortress defenders and following that the elementals. They now had to retreat but were unable to shake the pursuit of the elements.

As our party sat back to rest even if for a bit, Hydraxis looked upon us and cast a spell, making us flinch for a bit before relaxing.

The elemental was not raged nor crazed, Neptulon managed to keep the elementals under him free from the control of the Old Gods and others who would seek to corrupt them.

It was not an attack he casted but rather a healing spell, bringing a refreshing feeling in our spirit and bodies.

"Friendss, the sstorm will be ssubdued ssoon, I cast upon you the Blessingss of Neptulon the Tidehunter." From him came a blue light that our bodies took in hungrily, giving us the knowledge of what we were given.

"The ssea sshall now be as the land for you land dwellers, the waters shall aid you in any sea or ocean, no more you need to suffocate and drown on it." The blessing which was given to us would allow us to virtually live bellow the waters, by giving us the ability to breath underwater and to have an ever present speed buff while in water we could fly in water as fast as in the air.

Not going to lie, it was worth it. Even while I was panting and tired I could not hide my smile at our gains.

1- We gained more experience and pushed our limits bringing growth.

2- We stoped a plan from the Old Gods faction, making them weaker even if just a bit

3- We gained favour with the Neptulon faction.

4- I felt the Light deeper when doing my best to save the defenders, facing bigger odds only made for bigger growth.

5- We managed to stop the storm and now could keep on our journey to meet the druids in Kultiras without worrying about where we should land, we could sleep in the same beneath the waves if we so wished right now.

"Thank you high priest Sha'kir, we shall now take a rest and keep on our journey, take care for the Azshara will not rest until she gets all fragments of the Tidestone." I said giving a knowing look at the artifact in his shoulder.

"Yesss, we may have to hide for a while longer, maybe even sseek allies among others ssuch asss yourself, good travelss good friendss!"

"Now hopefully no more disasters will happen when I go over the sea..." I said while unaware of jinxing myself.


The sky was now blue, the dense and heavy atmosphere was no where to be seen, the fish were swimming happily without a worry, atleast until we catched them to eat...

It had been a whole week eating nothing but sushi, something that got nauseating rather quickly since we had nowhere to stop and light a fire to cook them.

We had been sleeping in underwater caves for a week, it was damp, slippery and wet but atleast our blessings allowed us a bit of comfort in that environment.

Still we grew weary of the sea, few things looked as good as a dry bed and clothes, warm food and solid ground.

Both mine and Selia's wings were aching of the exercise, carrying passengers at our size was not very easy, we still needed to grow before we were able to dominate to air like the Wyrms we saw before.

But the good news was that we were approaching Kultiras, somewhere I was sure to learn much and finally get the system to work.


Many trade fleets sailed in these seas, being the Baradin Bay the most busy trade routes by sea in the world. Be they goblins, humans, trolls or any kind of merchant, these waters were packed with people coming from Stormwind, human kingdoms, troll empires, gnomes and goblins or what ever merchant you could find would find a lot of trade to be done in this coasts.

We went underwater in when approaching the three main islands that made up the nation of Kultiras.

The three islands were:

1-Tiragarde Sound, the center of the nation and the island to the southeast which houses the capital Boralus and is the main seat of house Proudmoore and house Ashvane. It is known for its capable sailors, treasure and monter hunters and even its pirates.

2- Stormsong Valley to the north was the breadbasket of the nation, being the region where most of the industry and production were made, also the seat of house Stormsong who were in charge of the Tidesages, the "priests" per say of the nation.

3- Drustvar the ancient land of the Drust people, the common ancestors of the Kultiran, being Vrykul which left Northrend after the Sundering (massive separation of the pangea continent), being the seat of house Waycrest they had the most ancient traditions and finest warriors of Kultiras.

Our main destination was to find the Drust druids and learn their craft, and hopefully find a cure by joining all the knowledge we acquired on our journey.