Descend into Darkness

Theo woke up, got out of bed and checked the clock, it was time for work! Early morning he always felt a bit sad at going to work, but he knew it worth it!

He looked beside him and saw Selia sleeping peacefully, he saw her beautiful long ears and silver hair. He would always get happy at seeing her, specially now that she was already pregnant with their second child, it was a baby boy!

Remembering he was going to have a son he became spirited once again, so he quickly changed clothes, got into the car and went to work.

His work wasn't anything special, just some office stuff, checking emails, answering clients, coordinating with different companies... he really didn't care much about his job, only that it fed his family.

Soon he would go to school take his little daughter home, he was usually he one who would grab her after school, while Selia would be the one to send her to school in the morning.

He remembered how she was just like Selia, having more pointed ears and a gorgeous soft face, looking like an angel from heaven. He was very proud of his daughter, she was a bit of a mischief, but was kind and adorably cute just like her mother, she was four years old now."

"Daddy!! We learned how to grow trees today! I planted this one!" she showed me her little plant in a pot, it had crimson red leaves with a bit of golden, being fairly beautiful to look at, he could even see little buds which would be fruits in the future, they had a enchanting shine to them and looked like crystals.

'Curious tree, I have never seen its type before, but it feels so familiar...' But he didn't pay much attention to the plant, but rather to his happily smiling daughter, taking her up in his arms.

"Goos job! As expected of Cecilia, it is so beautiful and healthy! You are a genius!" I said encouraging her, I had once seen in a book that you should always say good adjectives to your children, as it would boost their self confidence and allow them to grow without insecurity.

"Shishsishi! Of course! Mama always teaches me alot of things!" she said with a cute puffed up chest, clearly she always thought that her mom knew everything. Selia always was a bookworm and informed person, it was hard to find something she didn't atleast read a bit about.

"Mhm, you are as smart as your mother, and as strong as your father!" I said tickling her a bit, making her giggle as I put her into her seat.

Going home, I let Cecilia go play around her room and went into the kitchen to make some lunch for Selia and the children.

It was a bliss having such family, all the love he felt in this house made him feel like he could conquer the world and do anything for them.

Soon Selia and Cecilia came to the dinning room where the table was set with a delicious steamed beef, rice and some mixed potato.

It was simple but full of love. And this were how his days went by usually...


He once again got up early, made himself ready and went to work.

He felt something weird today, an ominous feeling of danger, something which made him distracted and earned him an earful from his boss, but soon someone entered the boss room and whispered in the boss ear.

Their faces changed and they looked at me with a sorry gaze, and then the boss said:

"Your wife and daughter suffered and accident, they were sent to the hospital fifteen minutes ago, you are free today."

Hearing his words he panicked, he had seen such a situation once, it had been in his adolescence right before he lost his parents.

He quickly drove to the hospital, running to find his family, but as soon as he wanted to enter the room where the doctors kept his wife, they stopped him.

"Sir, you should not go in right now... you are not going to like what you see.." Which made me forcefully enter the room and see my wife, she was in the bed, her pants full of blood, pale and full of cuts, part of her head were also full of blood.

She was unconscious and the doctors were doing their best to keep her alive.

It sounded like the sky was falling over me, but still I held on and asked her condition, and about my daughter.

"This woman, she lost her baby... and might not make it, if she does she could be in a vegetative state... as for the child..." the nurse hesitated before taking a deep breath and continuing "The car was hit by a truck on the back... the child died instantly, I'm sorry..."

I felt my legs give in, my mind went blank for an instant... the daughter he had just kissed befor going to work had died... It felt surreal and like this was a nightmare.

'Nightmare... why does this word make me feel weird?' But he had no time to think about that... He had to see hos daugther and confirm it, she couldn't be dead, he would not believe it, he wished to not believe it.

Soon the nurse brought him to the table where she was being bagged, he hurried to stop them, afraid that she maybe was alive and would suffocate.

He took her in his arms, she was cold and bloodied, full of grievous wounds that no one would survive.

He wept, cried in the loudest voice he had, why couldn't the world let them live? Why must this keep happening? Would he lose everything again?


A year had passed since the funeral of his daughter and son, he was at the bedside of his now comatosed wife, everytime he looked at her he would think how to tell her about their children, but more than anything he just wanted to see her smile at him again, he had lost all that mattered and now his wife was almost gone too...

She was surviving only due to machines, he had to take many dubious jobs to keep her alive, but soon his money would run out, he had sold the house and both cars.

He now felt once again hollow and empty, but atleast he had the slight hope of seeing her get better, so he kept struggling as much as he could to buy time for her to recover.


A month passed, Selia was now in a worsening state, the machines would not keep her alive for long.

"Please Selia, I beg of you, don't leave me... please." he would cry at her side, begging all he could for someone, anyone to save her.

In the same hour he heard the machines show her heart rate stop, he called the nurses, they tried to resurrect her, but they failed...

He felt the last tread of hope snap inside of him. And at this moment the whispers started to sound like a sweet poisonous melody in his ears.


"She can be revived, she can be saved, all you need is to give in." said one of the voices.

"She is not gonne for long, just accept our help and she will live!" said another whisper more aggressively

"This pain and grief is too hard, why don't you let us help?" another whisper suggested.

Deep within me the still small flicker of light stood, it was drowned by many murky black waves of water that were like a whirlpool around it.

The little light held on, thinking that there must be a way to save her, that it would get better.

When they took away Selia's body that light shook, as if he could not let them take her, he would lose her for good if they did.

He ran after the ones carrying her body, he chased and chased but could not reach, the faster he went the farther he felt her be.

"NO! NOOOO!!!" He ran while stumbling and dragging himself, his ankles had been held by a black slime, the floor had become like black quicksand, and he could no longer advance.

"GIVE ME BACK MY WIFE!!" The little wick started to once again shake as he went on.

Memories of his moments with her started to flood his mind.

Their date in Lordaeron.

Their escape from Blackrock.

Their fight against the waves when she carried him to the beach.

Their time in Dalaran learning and her discovering herself day to day.

Each memory led him further, it grew the Light inside, until he no longer was caught up in quicksand, until he remembered who he was.

And with powerful force he let his golden wings fused with Light out, making the space around him shatter and the rest of his memories come back.

She would not wield to the darkness inside, he would conquer his happiness even if the world was against him.