For the Future

"I thank you for your help until now. I trully consider you my companions... but I'm going to have to travel to a way more dangerous place now, If you are not confident in comin-"

"Enough friend... we understand..." Trag interrupted Theo in his speech.

"You are going to look for a way to heal Selia aren't you? Then I will go along... it would leave a bad taste not doing anything about it if I can help." He said resolutely. He was after all a simple and loyal friend, he isn't the type to abandon others when it is convinient.

"Me too! I don't know where we are going, but every where you go there is trouble and fun things! I want to see many animals and explore the world also!" said Mona while jumping around as a little rabbit, obviously excited for more adventure.

Then everyone looked at Emmarel, after all it didnt look like she was well after the experience at Thros, none other than her even knew why she joined the party.

"Sigh... Ok, I will go... but this time I want to know a couple things, even if I look very carefree I still have an important job to do, that job includes you and Selia." She said while pointing at Theo.

'She knew about me and Selia being dragons, and she didn't look surprise at me knowing alot od inexplicable things... I wonder what she has with us?' No matter how much he asked himself why the Unseen Path was so interested in him he couldn't figure it out...

"Ok then. When we are leaving?" Emmarel asked trying to change subject.

"As soon as possible, I just want to do a little thing first." I said with a mysterious smile.


Jaina was always a willful child, she was emotive and always thoughtful of others. This made her mature quickly but also gave alot of emotional stress when she saw others suffering... She could after all imagine herself in their place and suffering just as them.

Due to her maturity, curiosity and dutiful demeanor she was seen as talented for the arcane arts. She was scheduled to leave for Dalaran in a couple of weeks, but only after a brief stay in the Capital City of Lordaeron.

She was reading the stories of the Guardian Aegwynn, enamored with her... she could imagine herself one day doing similar things as her, she was going to learn magic just like the Guardians!

She was excited to learn more, she always felt that the world was so interesting and full of secrets waiting for someone to come and find them.

Jaina put down her book after finishing reading, she was going to bed now to get ready for her lessons in the morning, being royalty was very demanding on one's time.

The moment she put down her book however, she didn't even remember that it was late and she needed to sleep. She found a very interesting thing!!

A crystal, full of inscriptions and with a light purple glow was in her desk!

"This was not here before!" she said to herself while looking around to find who would have left it there.

She found none, she was alone in this room, with what her mother always said to be 'musty old tomes', this made her even more curious about the interesting artifact she found.

The moment she touched the crystal, a light flew out of thw crystal and showed images in her head, she could hear the narration of an elderly man, explaining how mind magic worked.

"This is awesome! I can learn magic with this!" she said while listening intently to everything that was bejng taught.

It was a bit advanced for her, which made her not understand much about it, but when she thought about she wasn't understanding the voice stoped.

Soon another narration began upon the basics of magic, it was as if the crystal could understand her thoughts and act on it!


"Little Jaina... with this you shouldn't suffer so much in life... knowledge of the future is dangerous in the wrong hands, so I had to seal it to when you most need it, when you feel lost or on a crossroad come and seek it. Consider it a gift for your persistence if you are able to prevent the tragedies of the future." said the voice at the end of the class of the basics of magic, this one sounding alot younger and emotional.

"From a nice stranger named Theo." She didnt know any Theo, much less what this knowledge of the future entailed, was it divination or some mystic thing?

She was still thankful anyway, it was the first time she had been learning something like magic, she was also curious to whom this elderly voice belonged to.


Having given the things he wanted to give, Theo and party departed to the Badlands, their journey would likely let them through Khazmodan once again, and as there were still orcs and horde remnants the area they had to travel swiftly and in secret.

They would travel underwater using Neptulon's blessing and rest during the day and travel flying during the night, they would only rest when too tired to keep going or when they found a deserted island which was safe.

Resting in the bottom of the sea had its fair share of troubles... there were many inhabitants in the reefs and under the sand, making it hard to be unperturbed even in the vast ocean.

Theo planned to rush until they hit land, take some rest and then take a more careful approach to not get caught in trouble once again.

After around one week of sand and salt water, they finnaly reached Menethil Harbor, the main port of Khazmodan, not too far to the east you had Grim Batol, where the Dragonqueen was locked up and forced to give birth to mounts that the Dragonmaw orc clan would use to raid the villages close by.

To the south you had Dun Morogh, the heartland of the Ironforge kingdom, to get there you had to go past the Wetlands, swampy area which housed Menethil Harbor and then Loch Modan, a place which was the battleground of many conflicts and that housed alot of dwarven monuments such as the Valley of Kings.

The biggest issue would be crossing Loch Modan without attracting the orc dragon riders coming from the east, dwarven gryphon riders from west and north and the Black Dragonflight from south.

The Badlands was southeast of Loch Modan, which was the direct opposite of us right now, Wetlands were to the Northwest.

We will have to cross Loch Modan from one extreme to the other, hopefully without trouble.