In the long trek to Loch Modan we managed to stay hidden from many of the passing patrols, even one or two black dragons were sighted by us once, thankfully they were not searching around, otherwise due to their spiritual perception of the land around them... they would very likely to find us.
You can use stealth to hide from sight and sneak to hide you from being heard, but hiding from spiritual perception was not an easy thing... I bet that rogues could only sneak on shamans or druids due to using the shadow magic tricks they had to phase in and out of the physical world, making their connection with the world much less noticeable.
One of the most scary things about Deathwing was that he maintained his powers as an Aspect, which let him to have a faint worldwide radar which when locked unto you could mean your end.
Staying too long in one place was truly unwise against him...
Entering Loch Modan the most intriguing sight was the huge Stonewrought Dam which could be seen from afar. It was this dam that made so that the Wetlands were no longer under water... an interesting tidbit was that the engineer was a Dark Iron dwarf, much to the chagrin of the Bronzebeard dwarves.
It made the lake Loch double in size, providing irrigation to the region, which served as the breadbasket to the Ironforge kingdom to the west. Dun Morogh was simply at too high altitudes to be able to provide enough food for their kingdom.
Due to rhe invasion of the Horde this place was now more of a battlefield and a frontline filled with outposts to watch over the south's Dark Iron dwarves and Blackrock orcs and the east's Dragonmaw clan, none had the courage to farm in this region due to it still being constantly contested in a war.
Only more brave expeditions would set out to scour the archeological sites in the south, including Uldaman, but that could take a decade of efforts and I had no time to waste, as soon as we crossed this place I would have to explore the Badlands slowly to locate the ruins of the not yet excavated Uldaman.
Going through the region soon proved more difficult than expected, due to its proximity to so many people and being a contested area meant raid, patrols and outposts to make sure none sneaked past.
Thankfully it was still hard to monitor everything, especially the night sky.
So we moved with Emmarel riding my back while I carried Trag with my claws, Mona just kept using her many bird forms, including the ones she discovered in the region such as condors or eagles.
We would hear the sound of guns and drums occasionally in the distance, likely with a raid attacking an outpost or a patrol meeting scouts.
It was incredible the sheer amount of warring that still kept going on this region, The Second War had finished some years back and they still kept at it with vigor.
We decided to cross the Loch lake at night when we reached the shores, it would be easier to hide underwater and also made Mona's eyes shine at the possibility of more wild life to discover.
That went smoothly until we met a group of treshadons, which were long necked dinosaurs, which had four clawed fipplers in the place of its legs.
They were quite ferocious little things, Mona loved them... Trag too loved fighting them, he said it gave a epic feeling.
They were quite muscular and some of them were even bigger than me in my drake form... but they only had brawn... not smarts and more importantly no magic.
While they would be quite dangerous for the normal warriors or adventurers, for us they were just target practice, they actually helped me improve my underwater fighting ability, my water elemental control was also improved in that.
But soon after we left the lake at night it was no longer the relaxing, albeit slow trek we had until now.
There was an outpost that looked over the lake at the east side, and the worst part was that there was an shaman on that outpost...
Worse yet was the fact that I could feel him peering all over us with his farsight, which meant that they would soon send either dragon riders or wolf riders after us.
The horns sounded and we took to the air, staying on foot was a big mistake unless we wished to fight to the death, and while it would suck to betray the fact that I was a dragon, I could atleast change my colour to black using illusion before the shaman caught sight of me.
Hehe... this may bring either infighting between the orcs, or make them left us thorough. This could also backfire and warn the black dragonflight of our presence, but compared to the other colours it was far more believable that a stray black was running around making trouble in this place then a red, green, bronze or blue one being out of place.
A red would for example make the Dragonmaw want to capture for being afraid of me having ideas about freeing Alextrasza...
As for the other colours, they rarely showed up outside of their turf, much less in this unrelated battlefield.
They soon let out whistles sound, the wolf riders just kept close to watch, but didn't dare to intercept us, which likely meant that they would either report it to the Blackrocks or not bother with us assuming we were their fellow Hordies.
It was best to make haste in any case, we were going closer and closer to the Black Dragonflight's territory.