Facing Oneself

He approached her and in his human form put his hand on her head, soon he felt a powerful gust of energy flowing out of him into her, his mind seemed to join with hers.

He saw the memories she had organized, it was like an island on a troubled sea.

He saw her holding unto the memories she liked and fleeing from those she didnt, she wanted to forget the pain and trauma she received.

Many times she felt that the person she currently was just like a dream, she felt every night that the dreams she had would wipe away the identity she had just built, it felt like the madness of many different people taking the wheel of her mind and disagreeing with each other.

She didn't know if she would like something today and hate it by the end of the day, if she would have a opinion about it and without even noticing that viewpoint would change.

After feeling the fleeting and ever changing thoughts, I finally called for the system to seal the memories and organize them, whatever came next we would deal with it.

Soon that island that was beig drowned by wave after wave of memories and the storm of many personalities became peaceful.

No more thoughts would come and go, nor would she feel like she didn't understand or agree with herself, her thoughts finally felt her own.

Soon she began to organize her thoughts, this sudden clarity allowed her to come to terms with herself, she could now tell if she liked something or she didn't. There were only a few things all personalities agreed to liking.

Food, it was always fulfilling and the feeling of satisfaction.

Magic, the feeling of improving and becoming stronger everytime a puzzle was solved.

Theo, the safety and comfort she felt with him, the joy of being together with someone that understood her.

Only these three things didn't bring many conflicting emotions together.

Theo, who was experiencing her thoughts mentally blushed a bit... he never thought he was that important to her.


While Selia was discovering her true self without the many suggestions rigging in her head...

In the halls of the Blackrock Spire cloaked figures were entering every room, they left no stone unturned.

None seemed to be able to see them, and they were able of phasing through walls, this made them able to search everywhere without being detected.

They only had been careful of not coming close to the Black Wyrm at the top of the mountain, the black dragons had a very sensitive spiritual perception that even they were not able to fool.

They wanted clues as to the whereabouts of user (Theo), they had not much information to deal with regarding their target.

The only information found by their headquarters was that this was likely to be the location of where the Lost Matrix chose its host, after that it would begin to disguise its energy signature with the host and would be untraceable.

They began to peer into unsuspecting minds to find the happenings of around three months ago, seeing if any abnormality was present in it.

After they wiped the memories of their targets regarding them, they shared the information among themselves and like a well oiled machine they came to the conclusion that the two fugitives who escaped were their targets.

They would follow the steps made by these fugitives to the last detail if necessary.

Soon they arrived at the chamber where the Lost Matrix fused with their current target, and began to rewind the time like a hologram to the point where the two drakes began their escape, and began to follow the trail, they would only stop of they got better leads of their where abouts or if they detected the artifact again.


Selia opened her eyes for the first time in almost two months, the light felt too strong and she had to adapt for a bit.

But even with her blurry vision, she looked at the large silver figure ahead of her, even if she was blind she would still know his smell.

She pounced at him, making them both roll on the green grass of the Emerald Dream, even in the shallow pond they were rolling around while hugging each other.

Both so happy to see each other.

But soon Theo stopped and placed his forehead on hers, he started to explain the changes that happened to her, how he sealed the draconic memories and how they still had to synchronize your soul and spirit.

"It means you will have to face those memories and understand and accept them as a part of you. You must tame them without letting them take over... You think you are ready? If not we can wait for a bit until you are sure..." I was very worried about this next step, if she synchronized with only a part of her Spirit, it would be fairly hard to try again.

As I learned about my own Spirit I found out much how important its your own willpower and the right mentality when looking at something, if she was not in her best condition it was best to delay the synchronization.

But against my expectations she just took her high elven form and kissed my forehead while nodding and saying, "Un, I will do it, I will not lose myself, don't worry!" After she said that and hugged my dragon head in her petite form, my heart suffered critical damage, and my worries dissipated.

"Ok, lets go!" I said while taking my human form and wrapping my arms around her.

Soon I guided her into her Spirit Attunment state, just like I did when I pulled her into the Emerald Dream.

She relaxed and soon she went through the process of experiencing the concentrated Wills present in our Spirit due to the draconic Inheritances.

I didn't know how long it would take, but I kept on holding her.