Pressing Foward

Many hours searching led us to a small cottage, it was in the middle of nowhere, it clearly belonged to a human due to its size and structure, or atleast something resembling one.

They knocked on the door and asked, "Is the mage Daio here? We want to talk to you about Arrexis and Karazhan!"

"You have come a long way to ask of the past... Might I know who are you?" Asked the middle-aged man with a husky voice.

"We are adventurers in a quest to prevent a big disaster at Karazhan... we need to know about how to get past the wards, Arrexis was the last one who managed to do it." I said while being half truthful.

"You don't look like you can hold your own against the things guarding that place... How about this... You bring me some demon parts, as long as it impresses me I will let you know what happened, please include some imp blood in there since you are hunting some demons.

Hearing him want to prove ourselves I just threw out a bag filled with the biggest Felhounds we caught and some imp blood.

Seeing the number of felhound claws and their sizes he got a bit impressed, he still felt like they would fall off short of trying to venture that cursed tower, but they had already given him so many materials he needed that he decided to leave them to rheir fate.

"I will be honest with you, the things guarding that place are way stronger then even the biggest felhound you can find in these lands... I feel you will die if you go there, are you certain you still want to go? I can give you something else as payment." He said while remembering how his own team was butchered before even entering the tower.

"I'm sure, its something we need to do."

After that he told us how to proceed in the ritual and how to make the space warping wards outside the tower null, it consisted in funneling their energy while closing them slowly... a process which would take some time and effort.

Getting what we wished from him we said our farewell and went west, we would go directly to Karazhan, I felt still too weak right now... if it were us who were ambushed by the archmage and his group we would be most likely dead...

Everytime I thought how my shield would be shattered and we would be drowned in spells, I felt like I still had a.long way to go before becoming trully unstoppable.

Thankfully we mostly are very aware of our sorroundings, the times we were chased or stalked always ended with us making an ambush for our foes and striking fast and hard before they can set up.

These things had been favourable to us until now, but what of the day it wouldn't be in an advantageous position? Would we miserably die or would we break through? Only strength can determine how we can live and if we cower in fear or we live an unhinged life.


Emmarel had arrived at Stranglethorn after two days of travel, this was a uncommon trade maintained by goblins...

She had skirmished every couple of hours with troll raids, those tusked, three fingered barbarians who were as savage as they were brutal.

They fiercely defended their jungle against both horde and Stormwind, the only thing avoiding a new troll invasion was that they had lost quite a number in the last try and their tribes were still too fractured to mount an offensive.

Goblins would usually pay for safe passage through these lands, some would even work as mercenaries in the southern port of Booty Bay.

When she arrived at Booty Bay she had made use of some contacts to find where Henry was sent to... Goblins were usually very well informed since being able to know events in advance meant money making opportunities, and as long as you pay well they wil spill it out.

Henry had left for Gadgetzan, in the sands of Tanaris, apparently a big shot lost some support over at Kezan and brought him as a bodyguard to avoid being 'dealt with'.

She paid a goblin ship, the most reputable one, it was very important to know this when it came to goblin ships or products in general and left for Kalimdor, she decided that even if she had to drag him with her and force him to join the Unseen Path she would do it.

"The idiot can only blame himself for being so stubborn... I even have to save him now..." she sighed but also felt a burden being lifted from her shoulders as she made such a decision, she trully wanted to meet him more than she would admit.


In the cold and dark passes of Deadwind Pass a group of riders roamed the land, they rode so fast that they seemed to be flying on the ground. Those rider wore black hoods, their horses and clothes all black, looking like death rippers looking for souls.

They brought with them magical items, this was their eternal servitude, forced to bring magical items to the tower of the one they tried once to scamm.

Their scamm was about selling a fake magic item, so their fate would be to pursue magic items, so they had done for many years.