Much work to be done

Dalaran had always kept a close eye at Medievh, they just didn't let it be known out of fear from what the Guardian might do to thise who were caught.

Many mages were killed in the task of spying on the Guardian, to the point where the Kirin'tor had to establish a new organization called The Violet Eye, they would maintain a basic level of surveillance towards Karazhan since it was a place of great power.

The ley lines under it were bigger then the ones in Dalaran, it was said that all Azeroth's ley lines would congregate here eventually.

The mage seemed to be quite bored at the undead and ghosts running about, the scene had likely repeated itself so often that he grew numb to it at this point.

I approached the middle aged mage and greeted, "Hail, esteemed mage, may I know your identity and your reason to be so far into this cursed land?" As I referred to this place as a cursed land, all my party gave me pointed looks as if I had trully gone mad at wanting to live in this place.

The mage simply smiled and said, "Oh... its very unusual to find new faces around here, My name is Cedric, I am currently watching this abandoned place and studying it as I can..."

"I see... both me and Selia had learned under Archmage Auron, we are here to explore the tower... we do know the dangers, but we came prepared... If you need to know anything about the situation inside I can inform you latter!" I said while trying to test his posture about the tower, if they either just wanted to contain the mess or wanted to lay claim to the tower.

I believed that the Kirin'tor had tok much on their plates with the hunting of orcs and dealing with the current aftermath of the war to pay too much attention to this place, but you can never know the greed of some for power... its better to play it safe with those I'm not well knowledgeable about.

"Indeed, it would be most useful to have someone inside te tower to watch over it... but it had been deemed too dangerous before, are you sure you want to make old Aurion sad at the news of your demise? I don't think his old heart can take it again..." Said him with concern, Aurion had trained great battlemages and had no other interiors of his legacy, its a shame to lose a mage's legacy no matter which one.

"We are pretty capable ourselves, and have come here for this purpose... no need to worry about us." I said confirming we would enter it.

Archmage Cedric sighed and just went back to his reports and measuring instruments while shaking his head, young ones were sometimes more stubborn than the old and more reckless too...


As we reached the lower entrance at the front of the tower we saw the ghost reenacting the last banquet of its halls, the nobles and mages would enter in pompous dresses and fine clothes, full of curiosity at the mysterious tower.

They would go through the door and disappear right after, some would show anguished faces, some blank expressions while others horror, only when they spoke their faces would change according to the memories of their last day.

We reached the first ward, right before the stairs leading to the doors at the base of the tower, Selia started the spell while I made sure to use my spirit to emulate it instead of Arcane chant and magic circles, a Will would bring a magic, no matter if they were made through the arcane or the Spirit.

Soon our magic resonated with the ward and started to close as it lost power, it would destabilize briefly before the spell would use its own energy to attempt to repair it, putting it into a self depleting loop before the ward was gone, atleast momentarily.

We had to do so around every five meters or so, even getting to the first floor where the stables and servants quarters were was a shore.

In the stables remained one of the few still living inhabitants of the tower, a balcksmith by the named Koren, he had been in Karazhan since the times Medievh still lived and was responsible for repairs, after his master demise he was made into a horseshoe maker by the ghost of a Huntsman, he like the Dark Riders was cursed by Medievh, the reasons for the curse are not known to me, maybe he hunted somethinf he shouldn't?

As for the servant quarters there were only spiders, bats and hounds who in this fel energized place mutated into strong monsters.

"Well then... lets start cleaning our new house?" I asked while cracking my neck and knuckles, ready for a long process of killing many many things and making sure they won't come back.


On the top floor of the tower stood a woman with a grief stricken face, her hair was silver and her eyes seemed to glow a slight purple hue.

She had arrived a couple of months ago to this place, she at first didn't wish to come here, but she felt like she needed closure, her family died in this very same halls she built, her pride and hubris was what brought ruin to what she most cherished.

She didn't want to quietly accept it all, even if she had to pay the ultimate price, she was determined to right the wrongs of the past, not only her's but also her son's.

She would not allow her son to be forever remembered as a traitor or a calamity bringer, she wanted at the very least to let him recover his reputation and let him serve as Guardian as he should.

"Worry not my son... we will make things right." She said looking at the halls, sure that her son was listening.