Dust and Gold.

Gadgetzan, it was the one of the only settlements inside the desert region of Tanaris in Kalimdor, it was a trade center for many races around this time, having the sand trolls of Zul'Farrak to the north, Uldum to the south and many islands to the east.

Every kind of people would show up on this distant but not so distant shores, adventurers, explorers, traders from the sand trolls and tauren and the usual goblin seeking a fortune...

Humans were not that common in this continent, only the most daring usually got so far from home, in fact every human one could find in this place would most likely have history to tell.

Henry was one of those... he arrived here after making a deal with a goblin magnate, this goblin would lose a fight with some of the affluent Kezan's elite and be driven to this place in refuge.

This goblin, named Biggits Steamwheddle, was still the ever ambitious and reckless magnate, he was not done chasing his dreams and neither was he done making schemes to come back to the top.

Henry had been given a chance to pay his whole debt to the goblin if he could simply succeed in a single task...

Stealing a bronze dragon egg!


Emmarel had not been to Kalimdor for so many years... this land was ancient and often so isolated and secluded from the rest of the world... even the races here felt like they were slowly rotting away due to stagnation and isolation.

The trolls acted like they were still on their empire, the tauren and centaurs kept on roaming around without destiny or a home to call their own, the Tol'vir to the south just kept on fixing their decaying machines and temples... the night elves kept on living and dreaming without taking any larger action than staying in their forests living their long lifes in learning and praying.

'The people of Kalimdor were as dusty and old as the land.', she thought.

For Henry to have crossed the Great Sea just to find me... She was touched but not as much as she was mad at his recklessness, this place held more than little danger to those unaware, the Eastern Kingdom was not nearly as savage and dangerous as here.

"*Whistle* Fancy seein one of ya kind in this parts... ain't you far from ya jungle mon?" said a dark purple skinned troll, he was clearly from the north, dark trolls lived close to the night elves and would fight on occasion.

"Are you Darkfeather?" she asked the troll who looked casual and easygoing.

"It is me mon... why you askin? Lookin for somethin?" He grinned while giving a knowing look.

There was none in Gadgetzan who didn't know of the human who was looking for a night elven lady... the rumors even said the fellow came across the world looking for his lover elf, becoming one the small legends said around in the bars.

"*sigh* Just out with it... where is Henry, there shouldn't be many humans around and he should be working for a goblin big shot." She said while annoyed that she couldn't even hide the reason she was here.

"Ye mon, he be in the south working as the security chief for the Old Biggits, be careful of that one, he would sell ya without blinking if ya let him." Said the troll whole counting the money in his new coin pouch.

"Oh.. there is a little rumor in these parts too about that old goblin, wanna hear?" He said with a grin, appreciating the fact that Old Biggits was making him richer.

After receiving another gold pouch he told her that the Old Goblin was preparing alot of stuff from some tinkerers, he would likely make a big play somewhere... from explosives to harpoons and even some goblin trinkets from the experimental kind, like teleportation and such.

None would dare trust the experimental kind of work of the goblins unless they were desperate and reckless, Biggits was both.

After hearing that Henry may get thrown into a very dangerous situation she decided to hurry up and find him before if necessary paying his debt with either gold or the dragon parts from Fearion that she still held.

Arriving at the mansion she found it empty, the only clue was some people who saw them going into the desert to the south along with a bunch of carriages, they even brought some hobgoblins along.


The Tanaris desert was an awful place for most races, it was scorching hot, full of dust storms and dangerous predators lurking in the sand.

They went deep into the sands approaching the mountains in the distance, this place was told to be one where if you were not careful you would see yourself old and decrepid, time moved weirdly the closer one approached... they would try and find a dragon nest in the nearby mountaind instead of approaching the weird place... only if after a week they hadn't found an egg would they go into the caverns proper.

"Hehe, those crazy fellows will surely pay alot for this egg... They will have to pay for the trip, the risk and the time investment, which means I can bleed them dry!" said the old goblin while rubbing his hands, he was on the shoulder of a hobgoblin, these were goblins who were made bigger, stronger and dumber than a ogre on hangover through alchemy.

Goblin society was very ruthless and cruel, you either become a slave and a experiment or you are the one doing it, the social mobility was all over the place because of their complete lack of traditions... histories of goblins who sold their own family were aplenty.

"After I get you an egg, our contract will be over right? Then I might as well get this over quicker." Said the wild and dangerous Henry, he had a devilish look that gave him a bad boy vibe, but those who knew him would know that he always maintained a moral code and would stab his employers in the back if they crossed his bottom line, thankfully even with alot of bad history in the contracts department he was still a highly sought after rogue due to his skills.