Focus On Me

Sha Sha's POV

I looked at my wristwatch before I start counting the seconds to clock out. I have never done this, and this is my first time standing at the front door, waiting to be back. Behind me are Carol and Benjamin.

They keep on smiling while looking at me. "You look excited, Sha Sha. Did you perhaps want to go on a date after this?" the word 'date' makes me a bit flushed.

I could only give him a smile as my reply. I don't really think it is as a date. Maybe it just a normal hang out. But I can't deny the excitement I had right now. When the clock turns 5 pm sharp, I tap my work ID card and rush out. I mean, I'm not running, I just walk faster than I usually are.

I smile widely when I saw Andrew was there at the gate, he leans on the car he drives this morning while reading a book. I'm not sure what kind of book he read, but the cover of the book looks familiar to me.

"Oh god~ he's so handsome! Did he the one who makes you..ahem, fall in love with?" Carol whispers the last word to my ear, and once again, it turned my face red.

I shake my head, but Carol was laughing at me. Teasing me with her word before we both go separate ways. "Hi.." Andrew waves his hands to me before he opens the door for me. "After you," he said, and I sit at the passenger seat in front.

He went to the driver seat, and we leave the factory ground after that. The road he takes makes me frowned a little. "We're not going back to our apartment building?" I asked, and he smiles at me. Shake his head, he said, "I want to do something first."

I grip on my seatbelts, which make him suddenly giggling, "Relax. I'm not doing anything without your permission again. I just want to take some pictures."

Well, at least I feel relieved. Not because I am afraid of Andrew, but because I know he would keep his word. And the word 'something' makes me a little wary of him.

"Um…Andrew…whose car is this?" I asked as I really want to ask him since this morning. I never saw him drove any car before. At best I saw him rode a bicycle a few days ago.

"Hm? Mine. Who else?" he replies, and I turn my head to him. Squinting my eyes like I don't believe him. Well, to be honest, I really don't.

"Why you look at me like that?" he scrunched, and he was suddenly laughing while rubbing his index finger on his chin.

"Really, Sha Sha? Did you think I'm that poor to not able own a car?"

"No! I-I meant to say're a foreigner. How and why did you have a car here? Did your driving license can even be used in my country?" I spurt those questions as I try to brush off the thought of how he can own a car? An expensive one at that!

"Hmm…I get what're you're thinking of." Andrew then makes a stop at the beach and turn off the car engine. "Shall we get off now? I'll answer every question you have on me while we are walking," he said and took off his seatbelt.

I took off my seatbelt and put on my sling bag to my shoulder before I got off from the car. The breeze makes me shiver a little. Even though it still summer, the weather here really…doesn't suit with my body temperature, I think?

"You should wear a little thick clothes," Andrew said and draped on his coat on my shoulder. I looked at him, and he only smiles at me. He and his sweet smiles never get me bored.

"Are you not cold?" I asked, and he just shakes his head. "I'm used to the cold." and I frowned at his answer.

"Andrew…where did you come from? You never told me where you're from." I asked, and we start walking through the shores. I take off my shoes as I like to feel those beach sands on my barefoot skin.

I saw a few tourists and some of the children who play at the beach enjoying the evening outdoor activity. Some of them making the sands castle, and some of the adults play volleyball. They look happy.

I heard a shutter sounds, and I turn my head to my side. Andrew was taking photos of them before he turns his head to my way. "I'm from Mossovy, Rassia."

I gape my mouth open. Rassia? The number one continent that has billions of population and is also a world-leading country? They have everything and the center of the whole world trading, and business is located in…Mossovy. So…he's not someone from a small country like me, after all.

"Don't be too shocked, Sha Sha. I may come from the big city, but I always like living in the countryside." He clicks his camera shutter again when I was still shocked before he smiles, looking at his camera's screen.

"Your shocked expression is…priceless." he giggles, and I suddenly aware of what he just did! He took my picture without telling me again!

"Andrew! Delete it!" I chase him, but he already runs away from me. We spend almost an hour before we walk back to Andrew's car.

"Ow...I think I hurt my foot a little," I said as I take a look at my feet after I sit down on the passenger seat. Still, only for a seconds before Andrew pulls my feet out and clean it with water, he took from his backseat.

"Why did you insisting on walking barefoot if you know you have sensitive skin?" he asked and checked on my irritation skin, which already turns red.

I try to pull back my foot from his hands, but he grasps it quite sturdy that I can't even move my foot. "Don't move." he glances at me, and I think he saw my face, which is already turned red.

"You easily get flushed, aren't you?" see? I know he saw it, but why did he say it out loud? It only makes me more embarrassed than I already are. Um...I don't have a place to hide my face right now.

"But, that looks cute, though." He smiles and applies some ointment on my foot. I don't know where he gets those ointments, but I think he's prepared with his own first kit in his car.

"Don't..don't tease me, Andrew." I stutter a little, and just when he's done applying those ointments, he put back my feet inside the car. "Don't wear your shoes. Let it dry." He reminds me and returns to the driver seat before we finally go back to our apartment complex.

"Um.." I stare at the sky as I don't know where else I should look at. This position is quite embarrassing to me. And I'm scared. What if someone saw us?

"Ah, good evening, Mr. Shawn."

My eyes turned wide. Did..did Andrew just greet my neighbor?? I set my face to sideways, and I saw Mr. Shawn look at me before he smiles at both of us.

As I saw his smile, I immediately hide my face to Andrew's chest. I'm so screwed up!

"Just return home, Sha Sha?" I heard those questions loud and clear, which means that I can't hide my face again, didn't I?

"…" I reply while clenching my finger on Andrew's shirt.

I know Andrew is now smiling, seeing how scared I am. Of course, I'm afraid he carries me like a princess right now because I hurt my feet. On top of that, we're going to his house right now!

"She hurt her feet today. So, I was just helping her, Mr. Shawn. I hope you do not have any weird thoughts about this." finally, Andrew spoke and explained why we're in this position right now.

"Of course. I just hope Sha Sha's father didn't mind though that you're touching his precious daughter. You know, how he treats you the last time. It such an unbearable scene to see."

"Don't worry, Mr. Shawn. Even if he wants me to beat me up again, I'm ready to take full responsibilities. I am a man who would not let someone I care to be hurt and wronged."

I don't know why, but I'm touched with his word just now. Andrew…really care for me so much.

Mr. Shawn smiles at us. "Good luck then." he gives us a smile before we part our ways. I was still dumbfounded when suddenly Andrew blows on my ears. It makes me cringe a little, and my faces automatically turned red to my ears.

"Hey..focus on me," he said, and I lift my face to him. "Wa…what?"

"I need your help to find my keys in my right pocket. Can you do that?" he asked, and I nodded my head.

When we arrived at Andrew's apartment door, I slid my hands in his right pocket and could feel that he flinch his body a little before I noticed that his face also turned red.

"An...Andrew..don't blush, or I blush too," I said as I quickly pull the keys from his pocket.

"No, I'm not. I think you see it, wrongly." yeah, …right..