Congratulations, Master.

Sha Sha's POV

I took out the keys from Andrew's pocket and inserted it into the keyhole before I twist the doorknob.

Click! The door open and Andrew bring me inside of his apartment. Like he was telling me earlier that he didn't close the door so that there's no misunderstanding if we get caught.

When we enter the room, I saw a lot of frames with so many beautiful paintings. I look at him, and he just smiles at me before he put me down on the single chair. "You…you draw this?" I asked.

My eyes are still looking around his apartment, it's a bit simple but really comfortable and neat. I saw he had a lot of plants inside his house, and the decor is quite soothing. I feel immediately relax and calm.

"Yes. I told you that I work at night, didn't I?" He brought me a glass of water from the kitchen and handed it to me.

Yes, I remember that he said he do his work at nighttime. So…did he paints all of this at night? Why didn't he paint it in the daytime? I didn't know that I was actually frowning until Andrew touch on my eyebrow softly.

"You're thinking of why didn't I paint at day, didn't you?" He giggles, and I was startled. Embarrassed as I turn my face to the side. "Sorry." I murmur, hoping that he could hear it.

He didn't reply instantly, but I saw he walk to the pile of the frame and take out something from the back. It is a bit hidden from the frame I saw earlier. When he presents it in front of me, my eyes turn wider. I think I almost pop out my eyes from my socket.

Then I gasp.

"" I lost my word as I saw the woman's clear picture, laying naked with the background of the balcony of Andrew's place! So..the woman I saw last time...

"She's a model, a nude model. She requests me to draw her in the naked picture and send the drawing to her house. The word got spread, and more women want me to draw them. I have a total of four naked frames. Do you want to see it?" I quickly shake my head. No, I don't need to see someone's else naked body. I, myself, as a woman, feel so shy right now.

I mean…I don't think I would ever do something like that. Letting some stranger man look at my naked body and draw them..wait! Does it mean...Andrew always saw someone naked? I feel so hurt right now. Oh, what should I do?

I can't even accept reality. I thought Andrew had many girlfriends, but I was totally wrong. After I learn the truth, why does my heart still sting? It feels like I've been cheated even though we're not in a relationship.

"Um...Sha Sha?" Andrew holds on my hands while peeking at my face. I was startled as I almost jump out of the chair.

"Ah..sorry," I said and hung my head down back. I know I should hide my emotions in front of him, but I guess it harder to do it than said it.

"Hey.." Andrew squatted down in front of me and touched on my cheek. "I didn't take anymore request from them. I was going to send all of these paintings to them. Are you surprised that I do this kind of job?"

I bit my lips. Why does he look so honest right now? It's like he didn't want me to misunderstand him, and he wants me to believe him. Ah~ Sha Sha…just far have you fallen for him?

I smile and nod my head. I know I'm that easy to be tangled into his word. I'm weak against him. I know I should just forget about the thought that I had before. I mean, so what if he saw them naked? At least, he didn't treat them special like he treats me. Well, I hope so.

"I'm a bit surprise, to be honest." I avert my eyes to the pots at the balcony. "Do you…also planting those?"

I want to stand up, but then, Andrew scoop me again and carry me there. "Yup. I like these plants. It's calming and relaxing." just as I thought, he may look rough at the outside, but he actually quite gentle and soft on the inside.

I was unconsciously staring at his eyes, which were shiner because of the sun that ready to set down. As I was staring at him, he also looks into mine. We were silent and just enjoying the sight of our eyes in his balcony.

"Um…Andrew, I think...I should go now.." the breeze at night a bit colder, and I just realize that we are already staring at each other for quite long.

"Oh! Right..I'm sorry I take your time.." he put me down, and I try to adjusting my barefoot on his floor. "Does it still hurt?" he looks a bit concerned.

I shake my head. "No..I'm totally fine now." Really, I think he already spoils me enough. I'm afraid. Afraid that I actually love it and expecting more sweet things from him.

Andrew's POV

I look at Sha Sha, who is fetching her bag on the sofa where she sat just now. I know she must be surprised after I show her what I actually do with those women.

I also know she may feel a little uncomfortable knowing that I look at those girl's bodies. To be honest, I didn't even attract to each of them. It just a job and no weird feeling arouse while I do my job.

I'm entirely professional about it, and I totally understand if she feels the other way. What I'm struggling in my heart right now is..should I tell her? Should I tell her about how I feel?

I don't want to wait any moment longer, but I also feel a little afraid. What if…she didn't ready to have anything with me? If I don't tell her now..I'm worried that I will regret later.

Hey, my time didn't wait for me to think all of this. I need to move faster and swiftly. As I saw Sha Sha already wear her shoes and ready to leave my house, I immediately pull her hand back.

"Sha Sha.." We were so close that I could see her moist pink lips clearly. I try to avert my eyes from her lips to her eyes.

She looks at me with curiosity before she lifts up her eyebrow a little. "Yes?" I should say something. Say something, Andrew!

"I-I have a question for you." I don't know why did I ask her like that? Shouldn't I tell her how I feel?? Why does my word is doing the opposite of my brain begged me to do?

"Question?" I nod, and she tilts her head like thinking of what possibility of my question that I want to ask her.

I gulped and took a deep breath. I feel like a little teenager who tries so hard to express my love for someone. Seriously, I never do this before. Not even to my ex.

"Would you like to be my girlfriend?" the shocked expression that Sha Sha shows me makes me suddenly shaken inside. We were silent for a few seconds. Oh, god…I think I just made a mistake, didn't I?

I step back a little. I feel a bit down, and just when I want to say something, Sha Sha suddenly grabs my sleeve. " you meant it?"

I didn't expect Sha Sha would ask me that. I was a little bit of joy, and immediately I nod my head. "I'm deadly serious," I said as I then look at her.

She almost burst into tears. "But…but…are you okay with me? I…" I kiss her cheek softly before I whisper, "I'm the one who should ask you those questions. Will you accept me?"

I feel a little gesture from her. She nods her head before she hides her face onto my chest. Clenching her finger on my back. I know she might be crying. She's a bit crybaby, but I don't mind it.

I pat on his head softly before she calms down and wipes the tears on her face. "Come on..don't cry. People will think that I bully you." I try to lighten our mood, and she chuckles afterward.

Yes, that's right. Her smile is what makes me addicted to her. "Um..I'm shy."

I tuck her hair into the back of her ears. "Me too. So, see you tomorrow, sweetheart?" I chuckle on my word. I never utter it like that before.

As I chuckle, she also smiling and shakes her head. "I'll see you later, Mr. boyfriend." I think I was too happy that I could fly to the moon right now.

And I only saw that Sha Sha run back to her house climbing the stairs. Well, at least I didn't get a rejection from her. I feel so relieved.

"Congratulations, master." I don't know when Gonzales entered my house, the only thing I could do is sighing. He always ruins my happy moment.

"Yeah..thanks," I reply as I close my door.