Audience with the King

Realizing that they aren't allowing him into the palace with just nobility badge, Wil ordered his guards to stand back together in a line to cover him and Captain.

Hearing out a weird order, his guards were taken aback but still, they silently followed it without question.

Looking at them, as a frown appeared on the captain's face; Wil took out the scroll from inventory and handed it to the captain with a smile, "here. I bet this will do the job."

The captain took the scroll from him and opened it curiously as it certainly doesn't look like an invitation from the palace.

A startled look appeared on him and his voice started to quiver while he began to sweat, "this... Lord... I'm... I'm... sorry... for offending you... please forgive me. I didn't know you are Lord Raziel's guest.

While the change in his behavior baffled his subordinates, Wil, on the other hand, went into deep thinking.