Realm of Light part-1

A party of 5 is killing the mobs of levels around 180 in the wild zone. While the four of them are working very hard to kill each and every one of them on sight, the one in middle was just grinning like an idiot as he is leveling up continuously.

Yes, it is Wil but the other four aren't his bodyguards but level-200 Royal-Knights of the Kingdom who wore Gold grade equipment from top to bottom and epic grade heavy armors.

*Ding. You level up.

Looking at the surroundings that suddenly became dark, one of them named Garvin gestured all of them to stop.

 "It's gotten dark. We can't hunt anymore. Let's set up a camp. We'll set out for tomorrow."

After they set up the camp in one of the caves, Wil said, "then, we'll meet again, tomorrow at the same spot."