
Astaria island, a district once part of the capital region of the kingdom of Athledon, now, under the rule of a noble family of Astaria.

After the fall of Athledon, just like Ormshire Island, it was taken over by one of the noble families of the kingdom, and ever since then, it is ruled by them.

It was every other day on the island. Streets are bustling with people. Soldiers are patrolling here and there. However, different races are accepted here.

Two men are walking side by side in the market to meet a certain person.

They are Wil and the fallen Prince Hugo. Everywhere they go, people around started to give them strange looks, especially Wil.

Even though the island is full of tourists, they never saw a creature with pure and beautiful wings like Wil.

It might also because of the luxurious Prince robes he was wearing. It also added a certain effect on common folks. 

Wil is too busy to take care of the gazes they are giving, right now.