Searching for Imperial sword of Athledon part-1

At the coast of Astaria Island, Wil and Prince Hugo stood together.

"Maybe, it's better for you to go alone," Hugo said, looking at the waves uncomfortably. "I won't last long in the depths of the ocean."

"I know," Wil nodded in response. Pointing his palm towards the ocean, he spoke, "I promise you that you won't have to lift a finger."

All of a sudden, a giant Warship, looking new and fully equipped with arms appears on the surface of the water, scaring a few inhabitants who were enjoying their time at the beach.

"Wow." Prince Hugo exclaimed in excitement, "you managed to repair the Athedon Warship."

A couple of soldiers who were patrolling nearby were taken aback and looked at each other. One of them whispered, "A warship! Let's inform the captain."

"Now, hop in." Wil flapped his wings and jumped on to the deck.

As both of them landed on the deck, Wil suddenly received a notification from the system.