
"Open up the doors!"

When Old Shen Fūrén was saying those words, her face was already a little sullen. The Fūréns present came over to watch the commotion so not one of them left.

Chen Rou Qiu soothed, "Pópó, you must not get angry. Perhaps some guests went into the wrong room." Finishing she gave a look to the maids by her side and they went forward to push the door open.

The doors looked tightly close but it was not the case as they opened up with a light push. After that, one heard a shocked shout and both maids jumped in shock and took two steps back.

Seeing them being like that, it made one's heart suspicious. Old Shen Fūrén snapped, "What is going on?"

One of the maids did not seem to be able to stand up properly and supported herself against the door but inadvertently opened the door wider, exposing the situation inside the room to everyone. Everyone outside could not help but to suck in a lump of cold air.

The tea room was very small as it was originally a place to rest temporarily thus there was only a small cupboard and a small table set. Currently, the teacups were smashed into pieces below the cupboard and at a narrow small couch, there were two overlapping figures. One could clearly see that there was a male pressing on a female body. The noise that sounded just now was most likely caused by the falling cups during the dispute.

At the moment, this chaotic appearance was exposed in front of everyone without any concealment. Those Fūrén immediately covered their own gūniángs' eyes, fearing that they would see any filthy things.

Xi-er who was standing outside called out in shock, "Biǎo… Biǎo xiǎojiě!"

"Chu Chu!" Chen Rou Qiu also shouted.

"What?" Old Shen Fūrén was surprised for a moment and almost fainted on the spot. Fu-er standing beside quickly went over to support Old Shen Fūrén.

"What is going on with this?" Chen Rou Qiu had a slightly panicked look on and in the eyes of others, it was a scene of confusion after all a scandal broke out inside the residence. The two people in the room seemed not to be aware of the situation as even though it was a ruckus outside, the male lying on top of the female did not make a move, but the female was expending great efforts to push the male up.

"Heavens." Xi-er covered her mouth and had a look of surprise, "Did not Dà shàoyé go back to his room after getting drunk? Why would he be…"

With that one sentence, those who were listening roughly understood what was going on.

The Young Master of the residence was drunk and encountered the Biǎo Young Lady who went back to change her clothes, and could not control his lustful heart and had taken her innocence.

"Qiu-er is always composed so how would he do such a thing?" Chen Rou Qiu shook her head, "It is all the fault of drinking too much!" When she spoke to this part, she had a painful look on her face.

Between her words, she had already determined Shen Qiu's charges.

Shen Miao looked on silently as this was a scene almost the same as in the previous lifetime. After Shen Qiu woke up, he could not explain himself away even if he had a hundred mouths. Even though Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan believed Shen Qiu, the facts were laid out right in front and the most disadvantaged was the female party. If Shen Qiu did not marry Jing Chu Chu, then all the Fūréns that came would be able to drown Shen Qiu with their saliva. At that time what did she do? Shen Miao thought deeply and felt deep shame as she felt at that time it was shameful to have an Older Brother who took other people's innocence, and along with the others, she also spat at Shen Qiu.

Shen Yue suddenly said, "Wǔ mèimèi, why are you not speaking?"

Everyone's eyes suddenly looked towards Shen Miao. Shen Qiu was Shen Miao's Eldest Brother and for Shen Qiu to do such a thing like this, it would also not look good on Shen Miao, but one did not know if Shen Miao would help Shen Qiu or have a righteous attitude instead.

Yi Pei Lan liked to see Shen Miao fall into misfortune, thus at this moment she was rejoicing at it but said fakely, "Shen Miao, actually this matter is not related to you since your Dàgē is your Dàgē and you are you. Even though you both are in the same family, one cannot generalize different matters together."

But the more she said so the more it reminded everyone that Shen Miao was Shen Qiu's younger sister and with Shen Qiu misconduct, how would Shen Miao be anywhere better.

"I am only just very curious." Shen Miao said lightly, "One does not solve the matter but just talk about it here. Why not let someone call in the people outside the Shen Residence doors to come and watch the commotion and make it more crowded."

Her sarcasm was like a knife, in a single moment it pierce into one's heart.

Yes, such a matter had already happened. If it was an ordinary family, one would immediately think of ways to cover it up, but this Old Shen Fūrén and Chen Rou Qiu seemed to be anxious to let more people know of the matter and even talk about it at the doors. As for what intentions they have, it would not be one from a good heart. And why was it done for?

Chen Rou Qiu and Old Shen Fūrén were somewhat embarrassed but then heard Shen Miao continue speaking lightly, "Even if my Mǔqīn is not here, there should be someone who can preside over the overall situation. Can it be that now with Sānshěn replacing Èrshěn, Sānshěn does not know what to do?"

Suddenly Chen Rou Qiu's face turned green and even Shen Yue's face did not look good. To mention Ren Wan Yun at this moment, everyone's gaze became more meaningful. Chen Rou Qiu got angry, as it was obvious that Shen Miao was saying that her abilities to handle the overall situation were inferior to Ren Wan Yun's, and this was as good as slapping her.

Shen Miao was after all one who had stayed in the Inner Palace for so many years, and which female in the Inner Palace was easy to deal with. Even an argument with words were also swordfights and one sentence could have ten different meanings. Currently, her words do not seem light or serious but made one think far ahead.

Was it because one took advantage that Lou Xue Yan was not here, so one could purposely bully Shen Qiu? Now one took advantage of Shen Qiu's scandal and spread it out so that everyone would know about it? The most important thing was that these Fūrén's were not fools. Previously, they were shocked by the scene in front of them and forgot about other things, but Shen Miao's attitude made them calm down and after looking inside again one felt strange. Even though this was a scandal, who could know if it was man-made or not?

Old Shen Fūrén raged after Shen Miao's few sentences, "Wǔ jiě'ér, Zhǎngzǐ had made this kind of situation, what is with your attitude! You still keep on being stubborn!"

Shen Miao almost laughed out but she shook her head instead, "This matter is considered a big matter. It is better to invite Fùqīn, Èrshū and Sānshū over before a decision is made."

Old Shen Fūrén and Chen Rou Qiu were stunned. Even all the Fūréns present stood rooted. This was a situation where the less number of people that know, the better it would be, but why now Shen Miao could not wait for more people to know about it? Chen Rou Qiu's heart was somewhat unsettled. She did not know why even though everything went according to her imagination, but she felt that something was wrong.

Those doors were wide open and there was no movement from the people inside. Old Shen Fūrén wanted to close the doors but heard Shen Miao speaking with a cold smile, "Do not close. Since what could be seen is seen, it would be burying one's head in the sand if the doors are closed. Whoever still wants to look can take a clearer look at it."

This was the time when Old Shen Fūrén felt that something was wrong. She wanted to let people go into the room but Shen Miao's aggressive attitude was just too surprising. Since she is already riding on the tiger it would be difficult to come down, thus by trying to hide it would only make it more conspicuous. Old Shen Fūrén could only restrain the uneasiness in her heart and helplessly looked at Shen Miao as she instructed people to invite Shen Xin and the rest over.

Jiang Xiao Xuan wiped her tears and said, "The Jing family's Xiǎojiě is still young and how would the rest of her life be now that such a thing happened?"

"One request for everyone to be my witness." Old Shen Fūrén spoke, "My Shen family all the while have upright family manners. For such a thing that undermines the family principles to happen, naturally one will give everyone an explanation. Chu Chu is my maiden family's grandniece and is well-behaved and sensible. I had thought to retain her by my side so that one would be able to find a good family for her but who could know…" Old Shen Fūrén looked pained as she continued, "My Shen family is not one who bullies others. No matter what happens in the future, Chu Chu is my Shen family's granddaughter-in-law. Without a doubt, one will definitely give Chu Chu an explanation!"

What a good pompous sounding reason! What a good fake expression!

If one had no knowledge of the inside information, Shen Miao would also agree with Old Shen Fūrén's attitude and actions. Her eyes contained some taunting, indeed from a songstress background to be able to act out this play that lifelike.

Sure enough, when Old Shen Fūrén finished speaking, she tentatively won the goodwill from those who were present.

"Indeed an aristocratic family. Dare to act courageous enough to take responsibility."

"With these words, the Jing family's Xiǎojiě considered having someone to depend on for the rest of her life."

"The Shen family's upright family manners are indeed true. Old Shen Fūrén's choice is wise."

"One did not think that Old Shen Fūrén still had such a bearing."

More than half were praising Old Shen Fūrén on remedying the mistake, and half of them were pitying Jing Chu Chu for encountering such a storm. As for Shen Qiu, it was portrayed by the crowd as a shameless wolf.

Just at this moment, one heard a burst of hurried shouts, "Chu Chu! Chu Chu!" When one looked over, the people that Shen Miao had instructed brought Shen Xin and entourage over.

But this was considered alright as they did not bring those official colleagues over. There were only Shen Xin and brothers with Luo Xue Yan and one who was right in front of them, Jing Guan Sheng. He strode forward and when those Fūréns saw him, they gave way to him. Jing Guan Sheng stood in front of the door and did not go in, but just looked on blankly as if he was struck by lightning.

"What is going on?" Luo Xue Yan anxiously said.

Chen Rou Qiu wiped her tears and said, "Dà bǎisǎo must not be anxious, one would not blame Qiu-er about this matter, he is, after all, making a botch of things after consuming too much alcohol."

Shen Gui and Shen Wan who were on the way overheard about the matter. Shen Gui could not wait for Shen Xin to have a misfortune so he immediately put on an ashamed attitude, "It is all my fault, I should have stopped Qiu-er when he was drinking. If he was not drunk, how would this matter happen?"

"Èrgē must not blame yourself." Shen Wan sighed, "No one wants such things to happen. It is better to think about what can be done next."

"What else can be done?" Jing Guan Sheng's eyes reddened, "My mèimèi came to this place perfectly well, but was set up in a conspiracy and lost her innocence. Naturally one must have an explanation!"

"You better clean your mouth!" Shen Xin got angry when he heard this, "This person watched Shen Qiu that brat, grow up and it is not possible for him to do this kind of thing!"

"Correct." Luo Xue Yan sneered, "Jing Chu Chu is not a national grace or divine fragrance, when Qiu-er is at the frontier, how many Dàréns want to marry their Gūniángs to him and any one of them is much better looking than Jing Chu Chu. Do you think Qiu-er is silly to destroy his future because of one Jing Chu Chu?"

Shen Xin was one who killed enemies on the battlefield and was unmoved by force or persuasion. Luo Xue Yan was also very fiery and would not put her words out tactfully thus when the words were said, Jing Guan Sheng's face became pale and Old Shen Fūrén got so angry this time that she was speechless.

But if one were to think about it, it also made sense. Jing Chu Chu's appearance was good but was not considered anything in the world. Jing Guan Sheng's mention of a conspiracy was considered exaggerated.

Shen Miao wanted to laugh because in the previous lifetime Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan also defended Shen Qiu like this. Unfortunately, Jing Chu Chu spared no effort to look like she did not have any schemes, and at that time under the watchful eyes of everyone what else could be said? One could only admit defeat. Old Shen Fūrén called so many noble Fūréns over to 'witness' so that Shen Qiu would not have any way out.

"Witness and material evidence are all present, how can one quibble!" Jing Guan Sheng said angrily, "Could it be that my mèimèi, a weak female, could force Shen Qiu! I initially thought that Shen Qiu was a gentleman, but who knew that one may know a person on the surface but would not understand his true nature. I want to report to the authorities!"

By reporting to the authorities on this household matter made everyone know that the matter has blown out of proportions. Old Shen Fūrén fumed, "Enough!" She looked at Jing Guan Sheng and said, "Guan Sheng, you are my grandnephew and you also know how I treated you these days. Chu Chu this girl is someone I like, so I am not willing to let her suffer from grievances even if others are willing! Do not worry, I will give you an explanation!"

"Lǎodà!" Old Shen Fūrén turned her attention around and spoke angrily to Shen Xin, "The fault of the matter starts from Qiu-er. Like how your father taught you previously, the Shen family is of indomitable spirits and since one had destroyed another's innocence, then one must definitely take responsibility for others! Since Qiu-er had done such things, he must marry Chu Chu and treat her well for the rest of her life!"

The Shen family was of indomitable spirits. This was what the Old General Shen sincerely advised Shen Xin. If it was in the past, Shen Xin would give Old Shen Fūrén a face and would swallow down these unspoken grievances. But this year after returning back to the capital, the disagreement between the Old Shen Fūrén and his household got deeper and deeper, once he heard this sentence and saw Old Shen Fūrén's face, he felt an unspoken amount of hate and fire of anger lit in his heart. Shen Xin raged, "I had said before that Qiu-er would not do such a thing like this!"

"But…" Shen Dong Ling, who had always been hiding at the back where no one noticed, suddenly said, "Why has nobody gone in yet, but it is said that the person inside is Dàgē? Is Dàgē really inside?"

When those words were said, everyone was stunned.

That was not wrong. Was the person inside really Shen Qiu? From the start till now, no one went in to take a look, and what could be seen were two overlapping bodies. In fact, the Fūréns roughly understood in their heart that this matter was complicated. Even though it was said as a misunderstanding after getting drunk, most likely it had been schemed by others. But since one had schemed to such a state, Shen Qiu could only be called as being unfortunate.

Chen Rou Qiu laughed, "What is Dong Ling saying? Only Qiu-er left the banquet drunk. Who else can it be?"

"There is still Èrgē." Shen Miao said breezily, "Why is Èrgē also gone? Why only my Dàgē has to take responsibility?"

"Mèimèi, what responsibility are you talking about?" An unexpected voice suddenly sounded. That voice blew everyone's mind as they turned back and saw that not far away, Shen Qiu was standing there clad in refreshing clothes with Feng An Ning standing next to him, looking at everyone puzzledly.

"An Ning!" Feng Fūrén jumped in shock and quickly pulled her over to reprimand, "Why did you run around?"

"I got lost after going to the toilet." Feng An Ning innocently said, "One had walked around for a long time and was unable to come out, coincidently one encountered the Dàgē of the Shen family. He then brought me over. What happened?"

Shen Xin and Lou Xue Yan were only startled for a moment before Shen Xin roared in laughter. When that laughter landed on everyone's ears, there was some sense of elation.

Shen Qiu was standing perfectly alright here so who was the person inside?

"One has seen enough." Shen Miao gently smiled, "Someone come, let us see clearly who is the person that has to take responsibility?"

It was already too late for Old Shen Fūrén to block them. Lou Xue Yan's servants were all strong and courageous, without waiting for Chen Rou Qiu to give out instructions, they had already rushed in first. Their actions were too fast that everyone has yet to react to them when they heard groaning from inside. Two of the maids were already supporting that man to show everyone his looks, "Replying to Fūrén, it is Èr shàoyé!"

Shen Yuan clothes were messed up as he appeared in front of everyone with a flushed face. As compared to just now when one was shouting Shen Qiu's name but did not go in to check, this kind of evidence was almost irrefutable thus everyone's eyes all turned towards Shen Gui and Old Shen Fūrén.

Shen Miao's sarcastic voice rang out, "What? So it was all a misunderstanding. Without any rhyme or reason, Dàgē almost had to be unjustly blamed. You servants better open your eyes bigger the next time. If one were to spread a matter like this to harm one's reputation, one would be imprisoned!"

"Mèimèi, what are you talking about?" Shen Qiu scratched his head, "What am I unjustly blamed for?"

"Qiu-er, someone wanted to push a wife to you." Lou Xue Yan was able to say that. Just now Old Shen Fūrén and Chen Rou Qiu were forcing her but now since it was now a false alarm, anger started to rise up and her words were no longer polite, "Just as I said, our Qiu-er's wife must be someone I have seen and approve of. Qiu-er is one who abides by the rules, how would he just so casually bring a wife back."

It was Feng An Ning who suddenly came into realisation and said, "What? I was all the while with the Dàgē of the Shen family and most likely he has already sobered up. One has only heard about forcing a marriage (forcing females to marry), can it be that there is also a forcing to marry (forcing males to marry)?"

Feng An Ning was also talented, she deliberately said it so exaggeratedly that Feng Fūrén's facial expression changed and she scolded, "An Ning!" Feng An Ning stuck her tongue out and no longer spoke.

"Zǔmǔ, Biǎogē, Èrshū, now matters have become like this, so what can be done?" Shen Miao said in a distressing manner but her expression was as if she was unconstrained and carefree. Everyone could see that she had the attitude of a spectator watching the scene.

What was slapping one's face? This was! This was called slapping one's face!

Old Shen Fūrén was in some panic as today's event was instructed by her, so naturally, she had made full preparations for it. But why did Shen Qiu become Shen Yuan? She absolutely did not know what had happened but when she saw Shen Miao's smiling look, Old Shen Fūrén understood that the matter definitely involved Shen Miao.

Shen Gui's mind also went blank. He heard that Shen Qiu made a mistake and purposely came over to watch the fun. One had to know that the rumours of a person would also affect the career in court, else those censors would not have such high salaries. Now that Shen Qiu became Shen Yuan and that this happened when Shen Yuan just returned back to the capital, was not this cutting off his official route!

The young ladies present were still somewhat muddle-headed but the Fūréns were able to see clearly. Today's event was clearly a play acted by the Shen family themselves. It was clear that someone wanted to use Jing Chu Chu to defraud Shen Qiu, but who knew that in the end, it became Shen Yuan the defrauded one and not Shen Qiu. Thinking about Shen Miao's attitude from the beginning until now, naturally, she could not get away from how the situation became as such.

Everyone said that the Di Fifth Young Lady of the Shen family was an idiot and was treated as a love crazy fool. But from now onwards, no one would dare to treat her as such. The person who set up this trap most likely did not expect that there would be a counter-check. As for them who were invited over to become 'witnesses', at this moment they also became Shen Miao's leverage.

Old Shen Fūrén had ridden a tiger and it was hard to get off, so she rolled her eyes back and wanted to pretend to faint so that she could get out of the matter, but she then heard Shen Miao said, "Biǎogē, Biǎojiě had encountered such a situation, you as her gēgē would definitely be very upset. Do not worry, Zǔmǔ just now said that she would definitely be responsible for Biǎojiě."

Suddenly, Old Shen Fūrén no longer felt dizzy and glared at Shen Miao, "Yuan-er is at the moment still unconscious, obviously schemed by others. Wǔ jiě'ér, you better not speak nonsense!"

"Old Fūrén, what words are you talking about?" Not waiting for Shen Miao to talk, Luo Xue Yan burst out, "Just now when you said that the person inside was Qiu-er, one never heard you speaking for his sake. Yuan-er is your grandson then is not Qiu-er also your grandson? This bowl of water is held extremely at one side!"

Luo Xue Yan was not afraid to shed all pretence of cordiality, she had a fiery temper and with those rattling words, Old Shen Fūrén could only say furiously, "Are you rebelling?"

"Zǔmǔ, let us still talk about how to handle Èrgē's matter." Shen Miao gently smiled. Her tone of voice was warm and did not display a childish disposition from the start till now, which made Old Shen Fūrén much more embarrassed. She said, "What did Zǔmǔ say just now? Zǔmǔ said that Zǔfù said before that the Shen family is of indomitable spirits and since one had destroyed other's innocence, then one must definitely take responsibility for others. Èrgē must marry Biǎojiě!" She deliberately learnt Old Shen Fūrén���s righteous tone of voice making Luo Xue Yan burst out in laughter. Shen Miao looked at everyone, "All the Fūréns had all seen this and Zǔmǔ's words are always trustworthy thus in such a short period of time, one would not forget about it."

The noble Fūréns around all knew that Shen Miao had used them as guns but they could only laugh dryly. Old Shen Fūrén's face turned red and white by Shen Miao sarcasm and could only repeat again, "This matter is fishy, this matter is fishy!"

"I also felt that the matter is fishy." Shen Miao raised her brows, "So it is better to report to the authorities. Fùqīn, your subordinates are faster so it is still in time to report this to the Administrator of the Capital."

Her voice hardly ceased when one heard Shen Gui's shout, "No!"

Shen Miao was surprised, "Why not?"

Shen Gui looked at her fiercely, once it was reported then the matter cannot be hidden. The censors in court were all very leisured so if this matter was known to them, it would be strange if they did not write a report on him. Moreover, this was after all a scandal, so it would not be good to make a big ruckus about it.

"Never mind." Shen Miao waved her hands troubled, "This matter has to depend on biǎogē's interest." He looked at the gloomy Jing Guan Sheng and gently smiled, "Biǎogē is the one who is in the most pain."

Jing Guan Shen did not speak.

Old Shen Fūrén angrily said, "First call a Physician over to take a look!" Jing Chu Chu and Shen Yuan did not make any movement and one fear that they had fallen into a scheme, and Old Shen Fūrén could not let it go. One knows that originally it should be Shen Qiu who would be encountering this trouble, but who knew it now became Shen Yuan's and she could not say anything about it.

Chen Rou Qiu was busy organising the various Fūréns. Those Fūréns and Young Ladies had watched a good show and knew that today was just a fight between Shen Miao and the rest of the Shen family, but at the end, it was Shen miao who won. They all kept saying that they promise not to tell others about it before leaving. Feng An Ning winked at Shen Miao before leaving with Feng Fūrén. Shen Yue looked at the messy courtyard and left in disappointment.

Just left with a little bit and one could destroy Shen Qiu. Why had it become Shen Yuan at the end?

Shen Xin and the rest also followed Old Shen Fūrén to the main hall as this matter had to be dealt with. Coupled with the reputation of the Shen family that had been seen by so many people, it was no longer a minor issue to be solved.

Shen Miao was walking right at the back when she was being stopped by a voice. When she looked back, it was Jing Guan Sheng that walked up to her.

Shen Miao was small in stature and Jing Guan Sheng was slightly plump and tall, so it looked quite oppressive when he stood in front of Shen Miao. He had always been gentle and cordial but the normally slightly smiling face had disappeared and now there was only ferociousness as if the wolf had shed off the sheep skin and finally showed its true colours. He said, "Wǔ biǎomèi, this is your doing right?"

"Yes." Shen Miao admitted frankly.

As he did not expect Shen Miao would say so, Jing Guan Sheng was first surprised before he lifted a fist at Shen Miao. Jing Zhe and Gu Yu quickly went up to block as Shen Miao coldly looked at him, "It is done by me, what can you do to me?"

"You are shameless!" Jing Guan Sheng growled.

"The shameless one is me?" Shen Miao looked at him, "Biǎogē, do you dare to say you do not have any knowledge of today's matter?"

Jing Guan Sheng was stunned as he glared at her. As Jing Chu Chu's older brother, how would Jing Guan Sheng not know Old Shen Fūrén's plan? It was very beneficial for him if Jing Chu Chu became Shen Qiu's Fūrén, but who knew that at the end it became Shen Yuan's?

"Letting one���s mèimèi become a bargaining chip but now call me shameless. Biǎogē, do you not find that you are just too nauseating?"


"Since the matter has become a foregone conclusion, why not biǎogē think in a different way." Shen Miao looked at him calmly and unruffled in the midst of chaos, "Since biǎojiě has lost her innocence in front of so many people, it would be difficult to be biǎogē's bargaining chip and marry a good family in the future, as who would be willing to marry second-hand shoes?"

She said it so viciously, making Jing Guan Sheng clench his fist, but he had to admit that what Shen Miao said was not wrong. He finally understood the meaning of losing the bait along with the fish. With Jing Chu Chu current situation, in the future, no good family would be willing to take her, much less wealthy families.

"Biǎogē, seeing that we are cousins, let me remind you." Shen Miao smiled cordially, "For you all, as long as one married into the Shen family, it is considered as climbing up the high branches. Since it is that case, what is the difference between marrying to Dàgē or Èrgē?"

Jing Guan Sheng's mind moved a little as he looked at Shen Miao without saying a word.

"Speaking of which, my Èrgē entered officialdom at a young age and his future prospects are also bright. As compared to my Dàgē, he is also excellent. Since both ways are using one's mèimèi to pave a way for the future, since the person on the bed has become Èrgē, then is it not good to change from becoming Dà Sǎozi to Èr Sǎozi? Anyway, there would not be any harm to you at all."

She looked at her fingernails and one did not know who she was talking to, "In order to live, one must know how to change."