Female Charms

The scandal at the Shen family banquet did not spread out in the end. The 'spreading out' was referring to the public but as for the aristocratic circles, they had always been inextricably linked thus a Fūrén would use it as a joke and tell another Fūrén and in private, it had been spread out. Moreover, Old Shen Fūrén's clever words had now sent herself to the road of ruin. If she did not do as she had said, it would be as if she was slapping her own face but if she were to do as she said… How could she be easily reconciled with the loss of her most outstanding grandson?

But because of this matter, the First Household and Old Shen Fūrén were completely at a deadlock. Originally, it was just estrangement from the Second and Third Households, but because of Old Shen Fūrén's attitude in the banquet, Lou Xue Yan and Shen Xin feel as if there was a fishbone stuck at their throats. They were not people who would grin and swallow it so they just folded their arms and watched a good show.

After Shen Yuan and Jing Chu Chu woke up, naturally Jing Chu Chu cried and only said that she was pulled in by Shen Yuan. Shen Yuan was furious and said that he did not know what was going on when he fainted and when he woke up, he was already lying together with Jing Chu Chu. He could not remember these matters and it was possible that Jing Chu Chu was still perfectly intact.

It was no longer important if Jing Chu Chu was perfectly intact since so many noble Fūréns had seen such a fragrant scene, Jing Chu Chu's next half of her life was over.

Perhaps, it was this matter that provoked them or it could be due to other reasons, but the Jing siblings were no longer gentle and warm like previously and were instead aggressive, insisting that Shen Yuan take responsibility. Moreover, Old Shen Fūrén had previously said that if it was Shen Qiu, she would be able to be the Shen Residence's Eldest Young Fūrén so now that it was Shen Yuan, naturally, Jing Chu Chu should be the Second Young Fūrén of the Shen residence.

Old Shen Fūrén's scheme was exquisite so how could she let something like this happen. Shen Yuan was her most outstanding grandson but now had to marry a young lady from a small family, so she immediately fished for an excuse to reject. Jing Guan Sheng looked scholarly and he was very smart. Without saying a second word, he said that he was bringing Jing Chu Chu to the authorities and also wrote a letter back to Suzhou. Once the Suzhou side heard of all this, they were angry at Old Shen Fūrén for not keeping to her words and started their journey to the capital to argue.

The original alliance was fractured and Old Shen Fūrén scolded the two siblings all day as white-eyed wolves, and the Jing siblings also mocked Old Shen Fūrén as Old Unrespectable One. Shen Yuan was also very angry but even if the matter was blown up, one could not just kill Jing Chu Chu as there were so many Fūréns watching. Once something happened to Jing Chu Chu then everyone would be suspicious of him. Moreover, the Jing family was not easy to deal with.

No matter how much trouble there was outside, the Western Courtyard's doors of the Shen Residence remained closed and everyone was still joyous and harmonious. On that day Shen Qiu did not even drink any alcohol but it was Shen Miao who made him act drunk. As for what happened next, Shen Qiu also did not know the reason why Shen Yuan was together with Jing Chu Chu. Even though Shen Miao was unwilling to tell him and threatened him not to tell Shen Xin and wife, Shen Qiu could faintly guess it thus when he returned back to the residence, he refused to even step in Rong Jing Tang.

In the room, Shen Miao sat in front of the desk writing a recipe to the kitchens. It was no longer possible for Jing Chu Chu to fawn the First Household thus Shen Miao no longer needed to go to the practice field daily, but Shen Xin and the soldiers all looked forward to the soup that she made. Shen Miao was too lazy to personally boil it every day, so she wrote some recipes down for the kitchen. In the end, she was praised daily and those soldiers respected her more than Shen Qiu.

Luo Xue Yan had also asked before, "When did JiaoJiao learn so many recipes? Could it be that there is an interest in cooking?"

Shen Miao vaguely responded to this. She was not the kind of woman who was willing to personally boil soup but in her previous life, in order to please many people, she lowered herself to learn recipes from the kitchens of noble families. But no matter how good she was, the person who received it would not be moved. But now it was different. Shen Miao shook her head. This was most likely treating a person well and was different from treating a beast well. Some people knew how to be grateful but some people would only bite the hands that feed.

Bai Lu picked up the paper in which Shen Miao wrote to dry, and got up to send it over to the kitchen. Now that the Western Courtyard no longer eats with the Eastern Courtyard, a small kitchen was set up. This kind of action obviously indicated that they did not trust the Eastern Courtyard.

"One heard that Biǎo shàoyé quarrelled with Old Fūrén again today." Jing Zhe helped Shen Miao to clean up the paper and ink on the table and said, "It seems that the Jing family is on the way over and Old Fūrén sees that the matter cannot be dragged on and gets anxious."

"What can be said was already said." Shen Miao picked up the teacup to take a sip, "Biǎogē is a smart person and one cannot just let others take advantage for nothing."

"Biǎo shàoyé is also really ruthless." Gu Yu also spoke, "Now he would threaten to report to the authorities all day. One obviously knows that Èr shàoyé just returned back to the capital so if one truly reports to the authorities, Èr shàoyé's prospects would end. This servant sees that this time, Èr shàoyé would need to marry Biǎo xiǎojiě. And this is all thanks to Old Fūrén's solemn compliance to Old Lǎoyé's family teachings." When she spoke to the end, her voice could not help but float high up even though she had restrained the joy in her heart.

Old Shen Fūrén's conduct made one nauseated and now that she lifted a rock and smashed her own foot, how could it not make others happy?

"But…" Jing Zhe asked, "What good is there for Biǎo xiǎojiě to rack her brains for schemes to marry Èr shàoyé? She had an acrimonious falling-out with Old Fūrén and Èr shàoyé will not be happy at all so even if she marries into the residence, she will not be loved. Is not Biǎo xiǎojiě finding trouble for herself?"

Shen Miao smiled gently, "Jing Chu Chu does not want to marry a person but money. Since it is so, then what is the difference between like or love?" In the previous life Jing Chu Chu married Shen Qiu and Shen Qiu treated her well but at the end, she still harmed Shen Qiu to such a state. For Jing Chu Chu's perspective, as long she could climb higher, it would not matter who the partner was.

"Speaking of which," Gu Yu pursed her lips, "Biǎo xiǎojiě wanted to harm Dà shàoyé but now she will marry in perfectly well. This truly made one feel unhappy. Since this matter originated from her, why do the evil-doers not have bad endings?"

Shen Miao opened the window and looked out, "Do you think that this is the end?"

Gu Yu's eyes brightened, "Xiǎojiě still left a hand?" After being with Shen Miao for a period of time, Gu Yu had more knowledge of Shen Miao's means and was no longer surprised by them. If it was in the past, she would be surprised by Shen Miao's viciousness and coolness but after experiencing each and every single matter, one did not have any good feelings for the other two households in the Shen Residence at all. All that pity and compassion had long flown away.

"It is just the beginning for them to be forced to suffer in silence." Shen Miao said, "Jing Chu Chu schemed against Dàgē first. Does she think that she could escape?"

Jing Zhe's and Gu Yu's eyes were looking dazzling at Shen Miao. Shen Miao waved her hands, "Go and settle the money with Fu-er first."

Old Shen Fūrén was recently busy dealing with the siblings, Jing Chu Chu and Jing Guan Sheng, and as for the reason why there was a change in the person during the banquet, she did not bother to investigate the truth. Sooner or later Fu-er will be married to the steward's single-eyed son so it is better to give her more money and think of ideas to help her escape from the Shen Residence.

Gu Yu took the money over and smiled, "This servant understands. Is it correct to send a portion of the money to Biǎo xiǎojiě's personal maid?"

Shen Miao nodded with satisfaction, "Correct."

It was the dog that one rear personally that would be the most painful when bitten by it. Just like the Xiao Li-Zi of her past life.

It was alright if she had experienced such a disadvantage as she had learned such a lesson and can use it on others.


Five days later, Shen Yuan's and Jing Chu Chu's engagement news had spread throughout the capital.

Shen Yuan was Shen Residence's most outstanding young master, other than Shen Qiu, and just came back to the capital after learning through experience in other areas, and initially, a good career prospect was waiting for him. There were no shortage of young ladies with good appearance and family backgrounds thus if one were to seriously take a pick, it was not difficult to find a wife that would be able to help him.

But in the end, the chosen was a young lady from Suzhou whose family did not hold any government position. Even though she was Old Shen Fūrén's maiden family, if it was another family's matriarch, she would not let this kind of economically and culturally impoverished person be a Young Fūrén of a noble family.

Everyone in the capital knew that there was something abnormal with that news. The why of Shen Yuan having to marry the Jing Young Lady as his wife had spread out privately, the reason was that he had slept with the Jing family's daughter when he was drunk. This Jing family was not easy to deal with as they kept saying to report to the authorities. It was much better to marry an economically and culturally impoverished young lady than to lose one's official hat. So Shen Yuan was forced to take such a route.

This matter was a joke that kept spreading in the circles of nobility and for several days, there were a number of colleagues who had looks of 'watching the show' in their eyes when Shen Gui went to court, much less Shen Yuan.

Their reputation, naturally, tumbled due to this matter and for Jing Chu Chu, it was completely unrelated to her. She sat in a room and tasted the snacks in boredom.

After all pretences of cordiality were dropped with Old Shen Fūrén, the originally virtuous and graceful image that Jing Chu Chu had was all gone and her true nature was exposed. She grabbed onto Shen Yuan's weak spot and used the Shen Residence's stuff, living a very cosy life.

At her side, there only was her personal maid Tao Yuan who was tidying up the room. Jing Chu Chu did not trust anyone in the Shen Residence and would hand over all matters to only Tao Yuan. Tao Yuan said, "Lǎoyé and Fūrén will be seemingly arriving in these few days and at that time Xiǎojiě's marriage will be held lively. It would be very impressive when it is heard back in Suzhou."

Jing Chu Chu smiled, "At least it did not waste my painstaking efforts."

"But…" Tao Yuan was somewhat worried, "Now that Shen family's Èr shàoyé and Old Fūrén treat Xiǎojiě this badly, in the future when Xiǎojiě marries over, what if they bully Xiǎojiě?"

"What is there to be scared of?" Jing Chu Chu opened a box of rouge and said, "I have long inquired. Dà biǎomèi is dead and Èr jiùmā is currently crazy and unable to preside over all the situation. There is only a Yīniáng in the Second Household and a Yīniáng cannot intervene in matters concerning the Di-son's household. As for biǎogē, he would not always stay in the residence. At that time I would be alone in the Second Household courtyard and can do anything one wants and be very free. Comparing to marrying into the First Household, one would be much more comfortable."

"Be that as it may," Tao Yuan shook her head, "If in the future Èr shàoyé marries some concubine back to stifle Xiǎojiě…"

"Then this would depend on you." Jing Chu Chu looked at Tao Yuan and said like she was giving alms, "These years you have followed by my side and seeing your faithfulness and good looks, if there is such a day, I will let Èr biǎogē to take you in and you can win him over on my behalf, it would be considered as a return to your loyalty." She smiled.

Tao Yuan lowered her head and quickly said, "This servant… This servant will listen to Xiǎojiě's words."

Jing Chu Chu closed the rouge box and her eyes landed on the bracelet that was on the dressing table, she could not help but pick it up and look at it in a daze. When Tao Yuan saw it, she said in surprise, "Is that not… The bracelet that Sun Gōngzǐ gave to Xiǎojiě?"

"Sun Gōngzǐ…" Jing Chu Chu murmured as her expression became erratic.

"Speaking of which, Sun Gōngzǐ really treated Xiǎojiě very well." Tao Yuan smiled, "Do not know if he would be very sad upon hearing of Xiǎojiě's engagement news."

"What nonsense are you talking about." Jing Chu Chu's brows were standing up as she interrupted Tao Yuan's words. Tao Yuan said unconvincing, "This servant did not say incorrectly. Even though Sun Gōngzǐ and Xiǎojiě did not meet up much but were familiar at first sight and he even had the thought to send things to Xiǎojiě. It can be seen that he really places Xiǎojiě in his heart. If there was no Èr shàoyé's matter, then Sun Gōngzǐ would definitely think of ways to take Xiǎojiě as his wife!"

Jing Chu Chu was surprised for a moment and some traces of blushing appeared on her face as she shook her head, "How would a Minister of Personnel's residence take a culturally impoverished person like me as a wife?"

"But Sun Gōngzǐ truly loves Xiǎojiě." Tao Yuan's words were somewhat a gaffe but even though she said that Jing Chu Chu not only did not get angry, she seemed to be a little joyful. Tao Yuan still continued, "If Sun Gōngzǐ becomes the son-in-law of the Jing family it would be good. Comparing Sun Gōngzǐ and Èr shàoyé, Sun Gōngzǐ loves Xiǎojiě like precious jewels. If Xiǎojiě married over, Sun Gōngzǐ would put Xiǎojiě in his palm."

"Do not speak any more." Jing Chu Chu suddenly interrupted her words, "Since I have chosen the Shen family, it is meaningless to talk about Sun Gōngzǐ." As she spoke, she actually became somewhat sad.

Shen Yuan and Jing Chu Chu were not very warm with one another, and because of the matter before they were in a mutually hostile position. It was that due to such a time, upon comparison one would miss Sun Cai Nan's good points. Sun Cai Nan had an attractive appearance, was generous and treated her very gently and with great consideration, thus one would be lying if one's heart was not moved. Moreover, one would always be obsessed with things that one would not be able to obtain, thus Tao Yuan's words were like ants crawling all over Jing Chu Chu's heart, making it itch.

"Xiǎojiě…" Tao Yuan hesitated for a moment, "There is no harm for Xiǎojiě to meet up with Sun Gōngzǐ. Sun Gōngzǐ will know of this matter but would not know of the inside story and might have misunderstood you. If this is explained then he would be pained with your misfortune. It is difficult for one to meet a good person like Sun Gōngzǐ and if Xiǎojiě does it that way, Sun Gōngzǐ would be very hurt." Tao Yuan said, "In the last meeting, Sun Gōngzǐ still mentioned wanting to give Xiǎojiě that dragonfly hairpin."

Hearing that, Jing Chu Chu's gaze moved. The thing that Sun Cai Nan impressed her the most was the steady stream of gifts that were given. For Jing Chu Chu, it was considered enough if she married Shen Yuan, but if she was also able to make Sun Cai Nan obsessed with her, it would be a great satisfaction to her vanity.

Seeming to be thinking about it for a long time, Jing Chu Chu said with determination, "What you said made sense. I should explain it to him."

"But now Xiǎojiě has an engagement with Èr shàoyé so this matter cannot be seen by others." Tao Yuan said, "Why not let this servant handle it? This servant will find a place without anyone so that Xiǎojiě can explain to Sun Gōngzǐ clearly, and it can be considered as not letting him down."

Jing Chu Chu nodded her head.

Shen Yuan strode towards the courtyard and the veins on his forehead were throbbing.

These few days he kept receiving strange looks from everyone. In fact, it was not that others were unable to see that Shen Yuan was schemed against since it was not the first time the matter of one sleeping with some family's daughter when one drank too much had happened in the capital. Be it intentional or not, there were many such things in recent years. What everyone was concerned with was that Shen Yuan, such a young talent, would actually fall into such shallow and direct schemes from those married women in the Inner Courtyard?

In particular, this time it seems that the Shen family's idiot was involved.

Even though Fu Xiu Yi did not find any fault with him, these days his attitude towards Shen Yuan had lightened a lot. It was very simple, Shen Yuan was Fu Xiu Yi's secretly developed confidant but at the end of the day, Shen Yuan had to stand up in the light. But with such a stain, it would not look good on Fu Xiu Yi. For Fu Xiu Yi, who was one who strives for excellence, this mistake of Shen Yuan was annoying.

Shen Yuan himself was also nursing grievances. After becoming a joke to others, he still had to marry Jing Chu Chu, a good looking but without any substantial-ability female. Everyone knew that Jing Chu Chu was an uncouth daughter of an insignificant family who only recognised money, and he had to marry such a female. Even if in the future some official's daughter took a liking to him, she would not marry him for fear of being ridiculed.

He took a deep breath and stared at the oncoming person.

Shen Miao was walking over from the garden with her two maids. These days she stayed in the Western Courtyard without leaving, and despite the skies and earth turning upside down for the Second Household, she was also indifferent and instead seemed much more invigorated than before.

Seeing Shen Yuan, she stopped and greeted, "Èrgē."

Shen Yuan could not control himself as he clenched his fists. Ever since the matter with Jing Chu Chu, he had not encountered Shen Miao at all. Naturally, Shen Yuan knew that Shen Miao was the only person in the Shen Residence that could do it, but in the beginning, it had all the while been Old Fūrén who was instructing others to make arrangements, so he could not be involved. And the more important thing than accountability was to appease the demanding Jing family's people.

But thinking of how he had fallen into such straits and it was all thanks to the young female in front, Shen Yuan could not wait to strangle Shen Miao.

Seeing Shen Yuan not speaking, Shen Miao started to laugh herself, "Speaking of which, Èrgē and Biǎojiě are engaged now and I have yet to give my congratulations. Congratulations to Èrgē for being able to bring the beauty back."

Everyone could hear the ridicule in her words.

Shen Yuan said coldly, "Many thanks to Wǔ mèimèi." After pausing, he looked at Shen Miao again, "Wǔ mèimèi has good abilities."

Shen Miao accepted it. Every time she portrays an agreeably look it would make one so angry that they could go mad. Shen Yuan sneered, "Wǔ mèimèi, it is better for one to understand the logic that the wind would damage the flourishing trees in the forest."

"I have never thought that I am the flourishing tree and everyone knows that I am an idiot." Shen Miao said softly, "It is however that Èrgē is outstanding and since the wind needs urging, it would generally not be me."

"Is it?" Shen Yuan slowly retorted, "Do not Wǔ mèimèi think that success is within the grasp? Do not you think that with me marrying Jing Chu Chu, I would lose this round?"

"How can it be?" Shen Miao was very modest, "I know that Èrgē is all the while tenacious and has a high level of perseverance. These little small-scale things would definitely not even enter Èrgē's eyes. It is still too early from the chess game to end."

"Perhaps it is not that early as you thought." Shen Yuan suddenly smiled strangely, "Perhaps it will end very soon." The strange smile that was on his face made him look particularly shady. Jing Zhe and Gu Yu were frowning but they saw Shen Miao raising her brows to ask, "Èrgē wants to scheme against me again?"

"Are you afraid?"

Shen Miao nodded, "I am not afraid of being schemed but only fear that others will not scheme against me." Her eyes were so clear, reflecting a childlike innocence as she smiled, "If others do not scheme against me, how would I have any opportunity?"

"Then you better seek more blessings." Shen Yuan laughed coldly, "One fear that when that day comes, you would not be smiling that happily." Finishing speaking, he strode off.

After he left, the smile on Shen Miao's face disappeared without a trace. When Jing Zhe and Gu Yu saw this, their hearts were in shock. Gu Yu questioned, "Xiǎojiě, is there anything inappropriate with Èr shàoyé?"

Shen Miao shook her head. Shen Yuan was a person that if he had nothing up his sleeves, he would not have said those words. But what was it that he felt that would impact Shen Miao so much that he felt that she would not even have the opportunity to emancipate herself? Uneasiness started appearing in her heart but she quickly forced it down. Shen Miao looked at Shen Yuan's back figure and softly said, "It is still very early in the chess game but the game will quickly end."


In the Bao Xiang Lou in the capital, songs and dances were all around as music spirals up and the women's fragrance accompanied with laughter were the best seductive drugs that attracted frequent looks from passers-by. The gazes were filled with envy but embarrassed due to their shortage of money since they were unable to perform the act of staking a thousand pieces of gold on one throw.

In a tearoom in a small building, the tea that was placed on the table had long cooled off after an entire night. The person inside was taking a nap when he almost overturned the teapot. He was so shocked that his sleepiness flew away, and his foot reached out to catch the teapot from smashing with his toes before setting it back on the table.

Mo Qing was secretly relieved. In this Bao Xiang Lou, even the most unremarkable teacup was also made by a good artisan and if it was broken, one would need to pay money. Even though Shen Miao gave him a lot of money, the money was for him to look for a specific young lady and there was no extra amount to use for such a thing.

An applause was heard as the beauty on the bed looked at the scene coldly and said in a deadpan compliment, "Good martial arts skills. Really an eye-opener."

Mo Qing looked away to not look at that female's bare shoulder. He became happy when he looked at the skies outside the window as the sun was coming up and the night was over, so he could relax for three more days. As he was thinking about this, a trace of relaxed joy appeared on his face as he stood up to leave.

He was happy but someone's fair face pursed upon seeing his delighted expression. Before he stood up, Liu Ying sat opposite him and said, "Mo Gōngzǐ."

Mo Qing looked at the other person without a single expression.

Liu Ying looked at him from top to bottom to size him up. Mo Qing had come to Bao Xiang Lou and picked up Liu Ying for more than a month and would come over every three days. He gave the money very easily but every time he picked Liu Ying, he would not do anything at all and just lean against the window and sit all night. In the beginning, Liu Ying thought that Mo Qing was playing some game so she played along. Since young, she was taught by Mamas that some guests have their own quirks, and thought that most likely Mo Qing was one of those quirky customers. But after a number of such instances, Liu Ying also felt strange.

She tried to entice Mo Qing and if that did not work then she would make his eyes crave, but naturally, he remained unmoved. Even though Mo Qing would be teased till his ears turn red, he would still put on a solemn and indifferent look. Apparently, he was still a virgin. But Mo Qing's martial skills were high thus Liu Ying was unable to get closer to him. She had always been held by men and it was the first time to be driven away and felt that her status was lowered so she did not do any more unnecessary things.

But every second day of every encounter with Mo Qing, even though she was relieved, she felt anger in her heart. She was not extremely dangerous or a fierce beast so why was Mo Qing dodging her?

"If Mo Gōngzǐ despises that Liu Ying's body is not clean, one can look for other young ladies in Bao Xiang Lou." Liu Ying's face turned cold and spoke like in a pique, "Every day there will be new young ladies and they are extremely clean. There are also many of them who are virgins. Mo Gōngzǐ need not waste money here with me and arouse misunderstandings."

Mo Qing felt embarrassed in his head and did not look at Liu Ying. The task that Shen Miao gave to him really made him sit with pins and needles. He would rather go on night duty at the Shen residence's doors than come to this establishment.

Seeing Mo Qing not speaking, Liu Ying was so angry that she fought back, "Next time Mo Gōngzǐ should not come. Liu Ying cannot afford to take Mo Gōngzǐ's money. Do not wreck my hard-earned reputation by taking money and not do anything!" As she was speaking she turned her face over and no longer looked at Mo Qing.

Mo Qing touched his nose and felt that no matter what he said it would not help on the matter, after all he had come here to do such a thing every three to five days. Not to mention Liu Ying, even he himself felt that he was just like a fool. Bao Xiang Lou was not a place to drink tea and in Liu Ying's eyes, it seemed that she too could not understand. Without saying anything, Mo Qing places a tael of silver down before leaving through the door.

After Mo Qing left, Liu Ying's maid came in to clean the spill and saw the unhappiness in Liu Ying's eyes so she consoled, "Gūniáng must not get angry, be it right or left, Mo Gōngzǐ always brought money every time." Seeing that silver on the table, Liu Ying's anger got bigger. This silver was given additionally to Liu Ying which was not required to be shared with the Mama. She turned her head and looked out of the window and said angrily, "Who cares about it!" Her gaze, however, landed on that person's figure outside the window. Mo Qing pushed away uncomfortably the young lady that threw herself over, and opened the doors and headed out to the streets.

"Mo Gōngzǐ is a good person." The maid murmured.

"Who knows." Liu Ying was about to retrieve her gaze back when she inadvertently swept her eyes to the corner of the streets. There was a person standing in the shadows that raised one's head to look up and based on that gaze, it seemed to be directed at her.

She was slightly surprised for a moment. Because the distance was too far, she was unable to see that person's appearance and could only see a green robe. Even though there was only a shadow, it was very stylish.

"Oh." Liu Ying lightly shook the fan in her hands, "Could it be that I am becoming beautiful? Every one of their eyes looks more satisfied with me?"

"Gūniáng looks beautiful so there are a lot of people who want to take a look at Gūniáng." The maid sweetly said.

Liu Ying pursed her lips, "Really a weird person." And the window was covered with a wave of her hand.

At the other end of the street, Mo Qing halted and stared frowningly at a green-robed male at the corner.

That person was looking right at Liu Ying's building but… Mo Qing's eyes moved. That green-robed male's face was very familiar. He remembered that there was once a time when he followed Shen Miao's horse carriage back to the residence, that he had seen that person once. From what Jing Zhe said before, that was Shen Miao's teacher in Guang Wen Tang.

Someone called Pei Lang.