Convicting The Crime

The pattern around the safety pendant was very special and one could recognize it from a glance. Luo Ling's expression thus became very ugly and he asked, "One dare to ask Rui Wáng Diànxià… Where does the safety pendant on one's waist came from?"

Shen Qiu looked at Luo Ling strangely. Luo Ling was one who knew his boundaries and would be very calm outside, however, he rashly asked Prince Rui and this was simply too abrupt. Prince Rui was in a good mood and came over to greet and it was one's honour. One had to see if Prince Rui was willing to answer when one asked Prince Rui a question.

Unexpectedly, today, Prince Rui would give him face and untied the safety amulet. He spun it in his hands and said with a lazy smile, "This? It is given to me by a gūniáng."

Shen Qiu, "…"

Prince Rui's words were a lot today. Why did he need to bring up these 'romance matters' to both of them? Shen Qiu felt awkward as he felt that one would die faster if one knew some stuff but he was not at all interested in Prince Rui's private matters so why did Luo Ling ask such stuff?

Luo Ling's face became paler and he could not help but stared at the safety pendant in Prince Rui's hands. However, Prince Rui only took a glance at him before hanging the safety pendant back on his waist and said to Shen Qiu, "Běnwǎng still have some things and would not be chatting more with Vice General Shen. If Vice General Shen is free in future, do come over to my residence for a visit." He continued with a smile but not a smile, "Běnwǎng really wants to exchange notes with Vice General Shen."

Finishing, he pulled the reins and the horse lifted its hoofs before suddenly leaving. Shen Qiu and Luo Ling stood stunned on the same spot.

Shen Qiu muttered, "Could it be that this Rui Wáng wants to draw me to his side?" Without any rhyme or reason, why did Prince Rui want him to visit the residence of Prince Rui? Shen Qiu dared to say that one feared that Prince Rui did not say such things to the Princes of Ming Qi before.

Although his martial arts were indeed outstanding, it could be that Prince Rui had taken into fancy his martial arts skills. Shen Qiu felt self-contented when he suddenly saw Luo Ling's unusual expression. Feeling that it was somewhat strange, he asked, "Biǎodì, what is wrong with you? Are you not feeling well? Why is your expression so ugly?"

Luo Ling regained his senses and forcefully smiled, "Nothing. Let's go back."

"Alright." Shen Qiu looked as Prince Rui disappeared at the end of the streets and said, "It seems that Rui Wáng likes that gūniáng a lot and actually carries the love token on his waist. One does not know which family's gūniáng is that fortunate. One fear that she would be awakened in her dreams."

Shen Qiu's heart was magnanimous but did not discover on the route back, Luo Ling's steps were staggering. It seemed that he had been attacked very hard.


As expected by everyone, Huangfu Hao's assassination in Ming Qi had brought a lot of trouble. Although the Crown Prince's clique had been striving for the Crown Prince's innocence, there were no movements from the Investigation Bureau. It seemed that the Crown Prince would be imprisoned for a long time.

Emperor Wen Hui's action also gave the court officials a new impression. The tea cools when the person left, when the Crown Prince was imprisoned, some people saw that it was not right and in a turn of a head, quickly turned towards another Prince. The situation in court changed but it was not mentioned at all.

The winds at night were cold, when one went out with Luo Tan in the daytime to buy fabrics for the New Year, Luo Xue Yan said that both of them were Young Ladies who had to have more clothes, thus, they almost went around the entire Ding capital city. When they returned to the residence, Shen Miao was so tired.

After instructing Jing Zhe and Gu Yu to draw the water and after Shen Miao came out from her bath, she saw that there was an additional person in the room.

When Xie Jing Xing turned around, he saw Shen Miao wearing her middle garments and one hand holding on to a towel, drying her hair.

The young female was different from two years ago. Although her stature was still petite, just like a bud that bloomed and was waiting to be released, the scent was very fragrant. Her middle garments were slightly damp and one could almost seem to see through the material and under the light, her lips were red and her teeth were white and her eyes seemed to be covered with a layer of moisture. Her hair was black and wet, sticking to her face and if one looked down, one could see the snow-white…

Xie Jing Xing looked away. Before Shen Miao could even react, she saw a thick cloak thrown towards her and almost hit her. Holding onto the cloak, Shen Miao said angrily, "What are you doing?"

"Wear it." Xie Jing Xing frowned, "No one would care if you catch a cold."

Shen Miao was angry. This person would always make good words sound so hateful but she indeed felt somewhat cold and covered herself with the cloak.

Xie Jing Xing then turned his head over and swept his eyes on her. Seeing that Shen Miao almost did not care that there was a male in the room and continued to dry her hair normally, Xie Jing Xing's lips could not help but twitched.

However, one could not blame Shen Miao for not having this thought. In her previous life, she loved Fu Xiu Yi but from the beginning till the end it was her own wishful thinking and the couple was not harmonious at all. When Fu Xiu Yi was acting towards her, the very most he would be grateful and respectful. As for those appearances that make one's heart jump… There was none. Afterwards, she became the Empress and the most she faced was the three thousand beauties in the Palace and saw eunuchs the most. Thus, she did not find that there was anything wrong with this appearance of hers.

As she dried her hair, she walked over to sit down. Seeing Xie Jing Xing looking at her thoughtfully, she did not know why but her face warmed up and she asked, "What are you looking at?"

"Thought that you would not be shy at all." Xie Jing Xing said lazily, "Fortunately not. One can be relieved."

Shen Miao felt unfathomable.

Xie Jing Xing pinched her chin and asked her as he looked at her, "What are you looking for me for?"

Today, it was Shen Miao who instructed Cong Yang to think of ways to get Xie Jing Xing over and since there is someone in the room that could pass the message, it was a waste not to use. However, Cong Yang was really very useful as Xie Jing Xing was here now.

Shen Miao's hands stopped drying her hair and she hesitated before asking, "Pei Gōngzǐ had not returned my letters for a long time. Help me to inquire about the residence of Prince Ding, did Pei Gōngzǐ fall into a mishap?" When Shen Miao said 'Pei Gōngzǐ; there was somewhat of a hesitation. She did not take the initiative to tell Xie Jing Xing about Pei Lang's matter but with Xie Jing Xing's means and methods, one feared that he had long known the relationship between Pei Lang and her clearly. Pei Lang previously would have written to her every three to five days and would pass on some information about the residence of Prince Ding but these few days there was no letters. Shen Miao guessed that something had happened and if there was no Xie Jing Xing, she would have directly gone to look for Feng Xian Pawnshop. Since Xie Jing Xing is around and Ji Yu Shu was one with Xie Jing Xing then she could directly entrust it to Xie Jing Xing.

Hearing that, Xie Jing Xing's gazed paused and he looked at her meaningfully, "Pei Lang?" He said faintly, "You really care for him."

Shen Miao frowned, "I am not a person who destroys the bridge after crossing the river." Even though she was dissatisfied with Pei Lang in her previous life, in this life, Pei Lang was after all standing at the same side with her, thus, she was unable to do any betraying things.

Xie Jing Xing nodded casually, "Alright, I will inquire about it for you."

Shen Miao, "…" Why did it feel that Xie Jing Xing was just perfunctory speaking about it?

Both of them were silent, making the atmosphere a bit awkward. Shen Miao changed the conversation topic and asked, "One heard that Tàizǐ was not released yet. What is the situation in the Palace now?"

Xie Jing Xing gave her a glance and said, "Don't worry. Tàizǐ is finished."

Shen Miao was startled, "What?"

"Qin Huángdì (皇帝 Huángdì is a title while 皇上 Huángshàng is an honorific) had already given that Lǎo Huángdì a final threat. If he does not deal with Tàizǐ and avenge Huangfu Hao, he would send troops to attack Ming Qi." Xie Jing Xing stared at the cup, watching the leaves sink down and one was unable to hear any happiness or anger in his voice, "At this juncture, the Old Emperor dare not take the risk."

Shen Miao said, "Had already sent the final threat. Could it be… But," She lifted her head and look at Xie Jing Xing, "For such words to be spoken so quickly, it seemed that the Qin Huángdì did not investigate the reason behind it and take Tàizǐ as the scapegoat? Does he not want to catch his Érzi's true murderer?" Shen Miao's thoughts were that even though one could guess this result, she did not expect that it would come that quickly. After all, it was not a small matter when a person died. No matter what, the Emperor of Qin country had to investigate it and Emperor Wen Hui and the other party had to be in a deadlock for some time.

Xie Jing Xing's lips twitched, "Naïve."

Shen Miao, "…" It had been a long time since someone called her naïve.

She could hear Xie Jing Xing continue speaking, "The Imperial family only cared about the result and the truth is not important. After all, Huangfu Hao cannot come back to life." He placed with the teacup in his hands and said faintly, "The Qin country had lost aTàizǐ and a Gōngzhǔ. The Qin country might not have any other suitable Wángzǐ and the court in Qin country must be in chaos due to this matter. The Qin country is vigilant with Ming Qi and naturally would want Ming Qi to pay the same price."

"No matter if Tàizǐ is the murderer or not, Tàizǐ must die." Xie Jing Xing's smile was indifferent, "Only with Tàizǐ's death, Ming Qi and the Qin country can be even."

Shen Miao's heart took a slight breath of cold air.

Xie Jing Xing's words were indeed unfeeling but it tore through the cloth that was covering the surface. Ming Qi's and the Qin country's power were comparable and now that the Qin country had lost a Crown Prince, the fight between the Princes would only throw the court in chaos. If Ming Qi remained the same, it would only make others angry.

In any case, the first reaction of one who was in the mud was not to climb out but to pull someone together inside. All the so-called alliances that share the gains and pains were nothing but bundled interests and these interests were all carefully calculated.

One feared that Emperor Wen Hui had already seen this point clearly so very quickly the Crown Prince had been a weight that was required to balance this unfair situation. Ming Qi had a Crown Prince thus the Crown Prince was wiped out.

No matter how much one could not bear, because of the country, one had to give it up.

Shen Miao was silent and did not speak.

Xie Jing Xing laughed instead, "One arrow, two eagles. You did a good job."

Shen Miao said, "I am only responsible for the idea. You were the one who contributed to the effort."

This act was thought out by Shen Miao and Xie Jing Xing was responsible for perfecting it. Xie Jing Xing had many talented subordinates and among these, they could calculate the Crown Prince's and Huangfu Hao's route and punctually acted out the entire performance and all these were not completed simply.

Shen Miao felt that it was Xie Jing Xing that should be credited the most.

Xie Jing Xing gently smiled and did not deny it.

After speaking for a while, Shen Miao's hair had dried and she yawned twice. When Xie Jing Xing saw it, he started to leave.

When he was leaving, Shen Miao suddenly stopped him but hesitated for a moment before asking, "Did Rong Xin Gōngzhǔ look for you recently?"

"No." Xie Jing Xing raised his eyebrows.

"Then… What do you plan to do?"

Xie Jing Xing did not turn around as he walked towards the window and threw out three words.

"Not doing anything."


Shen Dong Ling and Wang Bi were locked in the most inner part of the prison. One did not know if Emperor Wen Hui intended to show fairness or not or not to arrest people indiscriminately, as he did not make a move on the other people in the Wang family.

However, this did not mean that the situation was any better. The residence of the Minister of Land only had a single sprout, Wang Bi, and if anything happened to Wang Bi, one feared that the Wang family was finished.

The jailer who came and went did not treat them any better. There were many powerful and high ranking people that were locked up in this prison, once one lost power, the whole game was lost, not to say that the Minister of Land was not a high ranking position thus it was not worth to give them face.

Shen Dong Ling felt unbearable.

Just a few days back she was still carrying the dream of flying into the skies but did not know that one would be like this. Initially when one was comfortable in riches and honour, she and Wang Bi treated each other respectfully and harmoniously but when the accident happened, all the hidden cracks and contradictions from the savvy Wang Bi and the equally savvy Shen Dong Ling started to be exposed.

Wang Bi criticised Shen Dong Ling and said that the idea of appreciating incense was thought out by Shen Dong Ling. Who knew that now they were both locked up in prison? Wang Bi was no fool and since the Crown Prince was not rescued, how could they be any better off? The most important thing was that it was fortunate that the Crown Prince was the heir apparent to the throne and there was still the Empress that would help run errands for him. Other than the money that could not be exposed, what else did the Wang family have?

Shen Dong Ling could only defend herself. How could she have known that Huangfu Hao would unfathomably die? This entire thing was a conspiracy. Someone had schemed against the Crown Prince and also counted both of them in. Shen Dong Ling was innocent.

Today, a jailer came over and gave them meals that were different than usual.

The food was very fresh and there was even meat mixed in it. Shen Dong Ling was somewhat happy as the prison food that they ate these days were all smashed else they were difficult to be eaten, thus, she was somewhat surprised when she saw such a sumptuous meal and asked, "Dàgē, is this for us?"

That jailer glanced at her and smiled strangely, "Yes. It is for you all."

Wang Bi, however, seemed to understand something and his expression became ugly. He asked, "Dàgē… What is the meaning of this?"

"Oh. Finally, someone who understands." That jailer then said, "After finishing this last meal, it is better to be on one's way."

The chopsticks in Shen Dong Ling's hands fell down and she could almost not believe her ears.

It was Wang bi that sat down on the floor as if he had long understood. He seemed to have been exhausted out of all his energy in a short amount of time and could no longer stand up.

"Dàgē, what is going on?" Shen Dong Ling violently got up, she could not believe this fact and her voice became distorted and sharp as she asked, "When can we be let out? We were accused wrongly. The assassination of Qin Tàizǐ really has nothing to do with us. After being imprisoned for such a long time, aren't matters already investigated clearly? When can we be released to return home?" She said very fast and urgently as if this could dispel the fear in her heart.

It was Wang Bi's first time seeing Shen Dong Ling losing control of herself. He just stared at Shen Dong Ling and did not speak a single word.

That jailer's brows frowned as he heard Shen Dong Ling's shout and took two steps back before saying annoyedly, "Not to say you two, even Tàizǐ Diànxià's crime was confirmed. And you two still speak of innocence?"

Wang Bi was stunned and asked, "Tàizǐ Diànxià has pleaded guilty?"

The jailer snorted and said, "Isn't it so? No matter if you are guilty or not, it is considered your fortune to be able to be together with Tàizǐ Diànxià. Anyways…" The jailer laughed somewhat maliciously, "Even if you are innocent, it is not a small offence for the Wang family to illegally sell salt."

Wang Bi's entire body trembled. He tried to control it as he asked, "This… How does one know about this?"

"How do I know?" The jailer waved his hands and said impatiently, "The rumours outside were like so." He then glared at Wang Bi, "One heard that when others were ordered to confiscate the Wang family, the gold in the Wang family required to be brought out by boxes and an entire afternoon was used to carry them out. The riches were so much that one would not be able to use it all in this lifetime. Wang Gōngzǐ need not need to think of anything else and just eat this bowl of rice before reincarnating to a good family in the next life."

Shen Dong Ling's entire heart stank straight down. If one said that previously, there was still a strain of luck, then now with the sale of illegal salt being exposed, then she and Wang Bi really did not have a single road out.

Currently, the national treasury was empty and Emperor Wen Hui was indeed not well off but the Wang family was in the business of illegally selling salt and it was an overflowing business so how would one not be able to discipline them? Now that the Wang family assets were confiscated, one fear that not one of the Wang family could run away from it.

Shen Dong Ling only felt that the skies and earth were spinning around. She had tried all means and ways to exchange her marriage with Shen Yue to find a good family for her to settle in and she was very satisfied with the Wang family. Even though the Wang family was not powerful, they had money and there was no shortage of food and clothes, thus, days would only get better. However, how did one get imprisoned and the riches disappeared like floating smoke and passing clouds?

She could not resign herself to it.

If she did not present this idea to Wang Bi, could it be that she would be able to escape this calamity? Huangfu Hao would not die and the Crown Prince would not be accused unjustly and they all would not be innocent victims? Why was she possessed that day to think about scheming Shen Miao? She clearly knew that those who went against Shen Miao would not end well so why did she personally go in and get her head broken and blood flowing?

Shen Miao? Yes, Shen Miao.

For this matter to get to this state, Shen Miao definitely had a hand in it in the background.

Shen Dong Ling suddenly had a thought and took a bracelet from her wrist. Almost all of her jewellery was used to bribe the jailer and this bracelet was Wang Fūrén who gave it to her when she married in. It was very valuable that one of them was enough to buy a remote shop front. She placed the bracelet in the hands of the jailer and said anxiously, "Trouble Dàgē to do me a favour, look for my Wǔ mèimèi and pass a message to her, saying that I have something to say to her." She said earnestly, "Words when one is on the deathbed always comes from the heart. One hope that Dàgē would help me one last time."

She was born with a good appearance and with such a pitiful expression and tears in her eyes, the jailer's heart softened quite a bit. He took the bracelet and said, "Since it is the case, I will help you this time. However, I would only be responsible to pass the message. One cannot guarantee if Shen Wǔ xiǎojiě would come or not."

Shen Dong Ling quickly said her thanks.

Wang Bi laughed coldly and his expression was somewhat beaten. He did not know he was laughing at himself or laughing at Shen Dong Ling when he said, "Could it be that you think that Shen Miao will come and save you?"

"I do not know if she will come or not." Shen Dong Ling's expression changed from the weak one she showed to the jailer to one with some viciousness, "If she is willing to save me, I do not fear of dropping one's head and being insignificant. However, if she has no heart to save me, then for what reason does the Eldest Household of the Shen family be able to live in peace? Since we are all a family, naturally one has to go through the same difficulties."

Just like Shen Dong Ling had thought, the jailer really brought her message to Shen Miao but Shen Miao was blunt and interrupted the conversation, indicating that she was not willing to go and even instructed Jing Zhe to pass a heavy pouch to the jailer.

The Shen family did not even have a residence anymore and only the Eldest Household of the Shen family was still standing firm in the Ding capital city. Two years ago, Shen Xin was expelled from the Ding capital city and one did not think that two years later, he would return again. Not only that, as compared to two years ago, Shen Xin's attitude was tougher than it was two years ago and no longer modest but others were unable to catch any leverage on him and even Emperor Wen Hui had to be somewhat polite to him. One was a prisoner and the other was a valuable military commander, in any case, the jailer would not choose the criminal and offend the General.

The jailer then left.

Shen Miao sat in front of the dressing mirror as Jing Zhe combed her hair and asked, "Núbì (This servant) thought that Xiǎojiě would go and take a look at Sān Xiǎojiě."

Gu Yu glared at her, "Why should Xiǎojiě see her? After all, the Second and Third Households of the Shen family have nothing to do with us at all. Moreover, they had committed a crime of death and if Xiǎojiě went to see her for no reason, what if others think more of it and implicate Xiǎojiě?"

Jing Zhe stuck out her tongue, "Previously, Xiǎojiě also saw Èr Xiǎojiě and Dà Xiǎojiě for the last time right?"

"Shen Dong Ling is not an ordinary person." Shen Miao heard both of them arguing and said, "Dug a pit for me on purpose. I will not jump into it."

"Dug a pit?" Jing Zhe's faced changed to one of horror, "Does Xiǎojiě meant to say that Sān Xiǎojiě wants to harm Xiǎojiě?"

"One must have the heart to defend against others." Shen Miao said lightly.

Among the daughters in the Shen Residence, Shen Yue and Shen Qing were spoiled by their mothers but the viciousness in their heart was not deep, most likely it was because of their young age that they were unable to see some things clearly. However, Shen Dong Ling was different. Since young, Shen Dong Ling and Wan YiNiang was suppressed by Ren Wan Yun and her birth father, Shen Gui, was also one who did not care about personality. Thus, for Shen Dong Ling to survive in such an environment, she had to be tougher than the average person. Staying in the courtyard for ten over years and making Ren Wan Yun lower her guard on her was enough to prove this point.

As for such enemies, Shen Miao never dared to underestimate. If Shen Yue and Shen Qing suffered a heavy blow, they would first panic but one feared that Shen Dong Ling would seize the last opportunity to scheme. As long as she is not dead, she is able to calculate how to get what she wants till the last moment.

Seeing Shen Dong Ling's cold treatment of her father, Shen Miao did not believe that Shen Dong Ling would have any emotions or feelings for her.

Gu Yu also said long-windedly, "Don't know what she is thinking about. She is already in prison and one fear that she cannot do anything now."

"No need to worry. As long as I do not go, nothing would happen." Shen Miao appeased them, "If she wants to beg me for help, it would be useless for me to go since I cannot help. If she wants to drag me into the water, it would naturally be helpless since I am not going to see her."

Jing Zhe nodded her head continuously, "Yes. It is right not to go."

Shen Miao's eyes hung down as she felt one matter was very strange. The Crown Prince and Wang Bi were naturally imprisoned due to the matter of Huangfu Hao but Emperor Wen Hui's conviction was passed down so fast. Other than the urging of the Emperor of Qin country, one feared that it was due to news of the sale of illegal salt.

Emperor Wen Hui could not tolerate people who seek wealth under his eyes, not even his own sons. With the urging of the Emperor of Qin country and Emperor Wen Hui's anger, the decision was made that quickly.

It's just… How did the news about the illegal salt spread out?

Was it done by Xie Jing Xing? She started to think hard.


In the Imperial Palace, outside Yang Xin Dian.

The Empress had been kneeling in the courtyard for the entire afternoon.

From when the day broke in the morning, she had been kneeling and it was useless when the servants came to persuade. Now it is already in the afternoon and the winter days were cold and ice has formed on the ground. After kneeling for a day, as there was no cushion underneath, it was easy for one's knees to get cold and one feared that even one's body would be stiff. The sun appeared in the sky and even though there were no problems with the Empress's body usually, at this moment, large drops of sweat were rolling down. She gritted her teeth and did not speak a single word as she silently knelt and looked forward as if she would faint the next moment.

The palace servant beside persuaded, "Niángniáng, it is better to return first. One fear that Bìxià is busy with matters so why is there a need for Niángniáng to harm one's body? It is not good to catch a cold on such a cold day."

"Běngōng wants to kneel." The Empress's words were firm, "Will kneel until Bìxià changes one's mind."

When the eunuch passed the Empress's words to Emperor Wen Hui's ears, Emperor Wen Hui erupted in fury, "Then let her kneel. Let her wishes die before Zhèn changes one's mind."

Ever since the confession of the Crown Prince's crimes, the Empress wanted to personally see Emperor Wen Hui to plead for the Crown Prince but Emperor Wen Hui did not even face her at all. The Empress was worried about the Crown Prince and did not have other choices but to kneel in the courtyard outside Yang Xin Dian, thinking that once she had knelt for a long time, because of appearance, Emperor Wen Hui would let her in.

The Empress knew that the Crown Prince had committed a serious crime. If one were to talk about Huangfu Hao's matter, people with discerning eyes could see there was something wrong with the matter thus, Emperor Wen Hui was still protecting his son. However, with the illegal sale of salt by the Wang family, the remaining guilt in his heart had disappeared. Currently, Emperor Wen Hui was angry and hated the Crown Prince, how would he still be able to listen to the Empress's advice?

The Empress also had no other ideas. After being husband and wife with Emperor Wen Hui for so many years, she was very clear about what Emperor Wen Hui was thinking. But the Crown Prince was her only son and she was willing to even kneel for her entire life for her only son, so what did one day matter?

Just as things were in a deadlock, one heard a chuckle behind and someone walked over with a sinister glamour, clad in a peach-red gold-embroidered robe. The robes were bright as she looked at the Empress, "Why is Jiějiě kneeling here? Giving this Mèimèi a fright and one thought that Jiějiě is greeting this Mèimèi in a big bow. In the future, one must not make such a joke again.

The Empress gritted her teeth as she looked at her. This was Consort Xu Xian. Honestly speaking, the Empress was suspicious that the matter of the Crown Prince illegally selling salt was related to Prince Zhou and Prince Jing. After all, once the Crown Prince died, both brothers would lose an enemy.

It was just that there was no evidence thus, she could not voice it out but Consort Xu Xian had the ability to add fuel to the fire.

Consort Xu Xian smiled prettily and asked, "Why is Jiějiě not entering? Could it be that one had done something wrong and is currently kneeling and asking Bìxià for forgiveness? Why not this Mèimèi go in and intercede for Jiějiě?"