Bestowing Marriage

Consort Xu Xian smiled prettily and asked, "Why is Jiějiě not entering? Could it be that one had done something wrong and is currently kneeling and asking Bìxià for forgiveness? Why not this Mèimèi go in and intercede for Jiějiě?"

The Empress gritted her teeth, "No need."

When the court was fighting, it would often implicate the females in the Inner Palace. Prince Zhou's clique and the Crown Prince's clique had always competed against one another as this did not only represent the throne but also the people behind them. If the Crown Prince collapsed then how long could the Empress sit in that position? There would be a day when Emperor Wen Hui would get old and if Prince Zhou sat on the Dragon throne, what kind of ending would the Empress have?

In an ordinary official's courtyard, there would be a number of dirty means and it was even worse in the Inner Palace as one's carelessness would cause one to lose their life and implicate one's family. How would one not live life carefully?

Consort Xu Xian laughed, "If Jiějiě is not willing then Mèimèi would not be forceful. However, Mèimèi still has things to say to Bìxià and would not bother Jiějiě's interest." She covered her smile before instructing someone to report to Emperor Wen Hui.

The Empress hated that she was unable to disfigure Consort Xu Xian's face. The Empress had almost guessed what Consort Xu Xian would have said when she went in now. It was nothing more than lighting a flame, fanning it and adding fuel into the fire. Emperor Wen Hui always listened to Consort Xu Xian's words thus, one feared that the anger towards the Crown Prince would only increase to another level.

However, she was unable to obstruct Consort Xu Xian.

Just as Consort Xu Xian was about to enter, someone ran in from outside in a rush. Upon seeing Consort Xu Xian, he said regretfully, "Xián Fēi Niángniáng, Rui Wáng Diànxià is currently outside, requesting to see Bìxià."

Prince Rui? Consort Xu Xian and the Empress were startled at the same time. Why did Prince Rui come here at this time?

Although Consort Xu Xian was arrogant normally, she was not unclear about the importance of things. Those arrogances were just little tantrums that were thrown towards Emperor Wen Hui and she would not dare to be careless on big matters, thus she immediately said, "Then I will come over later."

The Empress was a few years older than Consort Xu Xian and saw more matters of the court thus her heart sank. Prince Rui did not come earlier or later but just at the time when something happened to the Crown Prince and only after Emperor Wen Hui had handed out the conviction decree of the Crown Prince. One feared that his purpose in coming was ill-intended.

He had a relaxed expression even with the half silver mask on and the Empress felt a little shameful. As the Empress of a country, she let an outsider see her in an embarrassing condition. Consort Xu Xian, however, had a worried expression on. Some people were born uniquely that even though their appearance might be ordinary, their air of nobility and elegance was able to make others admire from the heart. It was as if by just standing there, other people's eyes would not be able to keep away from him.

Prince Rui walked past the Empress and only gave her a glance without much meaning to it and his footsteps did not stop at all, as if he had not seen the scene of the Mother of a country kneeling in front of the hall. However, this was not because he empathised with the Empress. Even though Prince Rui did not show any expression, the Empress felt that the other party was too lazy to look and the disdain and contempt came from the bottom of his heart.

She felt exceptionally embarrassed.

In the Imperial Study, Emperor Wen Hui was sitting in front of the table. He had a light and flowing appearance but was firm and steady as if the person who was previously flying into a rage was not him.

It was just that his back was somewhat stiff.

The purple-clad youth walked in from outside and lazily and called out 'Bìxià' before directly sitting down opposite him, taking it as a greeting. He sat down very casually as if Emperor Wen Hui was the guest and there were no traces of respect or worship.

Like that, it made Emperor Wen Hui feel that it was as he was worth nothing in front of this not very old person.

That thought only appeared for a very short moment before Emperor Wen Huo recovered to his senses and smiled as he looked at Prince Rui with a smile, "These days, Zhèn is very busy and did not have the opportunity to ask Rui Wáng if living here is alright?"

There was some sense of wanting to be close in those words. Now that the Qin country had a bad attitude towards Ming Qi, if Great Liang had any other intentions at this time, Ming Qi would not have any way to retreat. Thus, Emperor Wen Hui did not want to be on too bad terms with Great Liang, even if he had to be soft or lower his head, as long as the current situation has passed, other matters could be discussed in the future.

So he was in a hurry to please Prince Rui. If the common people of Ming Qi saw Emperor Wen Hui's current appearance, one feared that they would be scornful.

Prince Rui smiled lazily and said, "With Bìxià blessing, Běnwǎng is living rather well. However, one heard that Bìxià is not in a good situation these days."

Emperor Wen Hui's heart jumped but on the surface, it was barely noticeable. He only shook his head and smiled bitterly, "One had not been able to teach one's érzi well and have let Rui Wáng see a joke."

"One cannot blame Bìxià." Prince Rui said, "Since Bìxià has nine érzi." One was unable to hear happiness or anger in his voice, "However, Qin Huángdì is truly pitiful. On this trip to Ming Qi, both Tàizǐ and Ming An Gōngzhǔ lost their lives. It is really a disaster."

Emperor Wen Hui's smile had become somewhat awkward.

Prince Rui was not wrong with his words. The Qin Emperor had kept on requesting the Crown Prince to pay with his life and although that was because of achieving equilibrium, there was another reason. Two countries came to the tribute event but Prince Rui of Great Liang did not have a single injury but both the Crown Prince and Princess of Qin country were dead. What was with this? Was it Ming Qi who deliberately went against Qin country? Or was this subtly indicating that the Qin country's power was low and could not protect a Crown Prince and Princess?

In any case, this was a matter that made the Qin country feel a loss of face and the Qin Emperor was furious about this. So even if the Crown Prince loses his life, in addition to the vanity of a Monarch, the Qin Emperor would hate Ming Qi for a while.

He said, "Zhèn is also handling this matter as quickly as possible."

Prince Rui smiled, "Qin Huángdì will not give up on the matter easily."

Emperor Wen Hui's breath was stuck in his chest. He had spoken in a soft manner and during the conversation, he had done his best not to talk about this topic but one did not know why this Prince Rui did not understand and purposely use this topic to block the heart and each sentence said was merciless. Emperor Wen Hui naturally would not think that Prince Rui was so stupid that he could not be able to understand the situation so that meant that Prince Rui did it deliberately to disgust him.

Emperor Wen Hui wanted to leave with a wave of his sleeves like he usually did with the officials that did not listen to him or just fly into a terrible rage but Prince Rui was not his officials and even though he was a Prince of First Rank, in some ways, he was more powerful and fiercer than him, this Emperor.

Emperor Wen Hui could only rigidly ask, "One does not know why Rui Wáng came to look for Zhèn today?"

Prince Rui did not speak and only used his finger to point at his desk before knocking on it. In a blanket of silence, Emperor Wen Hui's heart was grabbed by that knocking sound. He suddenly thought that could it be that Prince Rui chose this time to come because there were important things to talk to him?

If Prince Rui mentioned the border cities between Great Liang and Ming Qi… How would Emperor Wen Hui refuse it?

His back which was initially stiff broke into a cold sweat. The other party was this silent but it had given him the heaviest feelings.

After a while, the finger that Prince Rui was using to knock paused and he said carelessly, "It is because of Běnwǎng's lifelong event."

"What?" Upon hearing these words, Emperor Wen Hui instinctively hesitated and before he could understand it, he heard Prince Rui's calm voice.

"Huáng xiōng had always hoped that Běnwǎng would quickly form a family as early as possible and had urged Běnwǎng that upon coming to Ming Qi to bring a Wángfēi back. Běnwǎng also has such an intention."

This time, Emperor Wen Hui understood. Prince Rui wanted to find a woman in Ming Qi? But why? Emperor Wen Hui felt somewhat strange in his heart and guessed that there was some conspiracy to it but he could not express it as such. At that moment, a magnanimous smile appeared on his face, "So it is as such. It is of no matter. Even heroes have a weakness for the charms of a beautiful woman. Rui Wáng is young and handsome, naturally deserving of a beautiful female. It is just that one does not know which family's gūniáng Rui Wáng had taken a fancy to?"

Prince Rui stared at him and the pair of peach blossoms eyes had some smile in it. Emperor Wen Hui was startled when he heard the youth spoke.

"Shen Miao of the Shen family."

Emperor Wen Hui could no longer smile.

His heart was trembling in anger and could not wait to drag Prince Rui out to be beheaded but he could not do so. But he finally could not keep the friendly smile on his face and his expression was exceptionally stiff.

He asked in a hoarse voice, "Who… Did you say?"

"The Dí Nǚ of the Formidable Grand General." Prince Rui said, "Bìxià does not remember? Didn't Tàizǐ want to marry her as a Cè Fēi a few days back?"

He actually pressed others like this! This was going too far in bullying!

A number of thoughts popped into Emperor Wen Hui's mind in an instant but in the end, he could not control his sneer.

This Prince Rui looked lazy and scattered, not taking anything in mind. The alliance between Ming Qi and Qin country did not enter his eyes and would only do his own stuff every day but he was a tiger that pretended to be a pig. His moves were at the back!

Once he chose, it was marrying the Di daughter of the Formidable Grand General. Was he marrying Shen Miao or the military power of the Shen family?

Emperor Wen Hui knew that from Great Liang's point of view, the Shen family's military power was not anything big and Great Liang already had a number of outstanding Generals. However, from Ming Qi's point of view, most of the outstanding Generals had been dismissed by him in the early years and now even the Xie family was in decline thus, only the Shen family could support Ming Qi. A Ming Qi without the Shen family was like a tiger without its claws and to deal with Great Liang after that, one feared that there would not be a struggle before one was eaten cleanly!

What a good Prince Rui! What a good Great Liang!

Emperor Wen Hui could barely squeeze out a smile, "Rui Wáng really has a good eye. However, General Shen loves his nǚ'ér and this is something that everyone knows. If Rui Wáng insists on marrying Shen Miao, one fear that General Shen would feel distressed for his nǚ'ér and not be willing to marry her far off to Great Liang."

"How difficult can this be?" Prince Rui played with the thumb ring on his finger and said carelessly, "Since General Shen is not willing then can't Bìxià just decree it?"

Emperor Wen Hui was startled.

Prince Rui's words continued to flow into his ears, "Great Liang and Ming Qi are still considered friendly now so Bìxià is not willing to give Běnwǎng even this personal favour?" He stretched his waist lazily and said, "So since this is the case then Běnwǎng should report to Huáng Xiōng about the matter of the border cities."

Emperor Wen Hui had lived for so long and finally understood the feeling of being 'angry till one's entire body tremble'.

The Shen family was a piece of fatty meat and not only Prince Rui wanted to snatch this piece of fatty meat, but he also wanted the owner to serve it up with both hands!

If he really decreed it, one feared that even if Shen Xin stayed in Ming Qi due to his loyalty, there would be grievances in his heart as it was he who decreed for Shen Miao to be married afar!

However, if he was not willing to decree it… Emperor Wen Hui looked at the male sitting opposite. As he was wearing a mask, one was unable to see clearly his expression but one had always felt that under this lazy and sloppy appearance, he had extremely powerful means and tactics. It was not wise to go against Great Liang when Ming Qi and Qin country alliance was in jeopardy.

Prince Rui had given him a difficult problem and there was no answer to it because every single answer was wrong! It would be him that would be at a disadvantage!

That male's gaze landed on Emperor Wen Hui, just like a cat playing with the mouse that was caught, asking slowly and lazily, "Did Bìxià think about it?"

Emperor Wen Hui was so furious. Since he was enthroned, he had dealt with countless tricky matters and there was not once that it was as frustrating as it was now. No one dared to be so rude and arrogant towards him!

For the first time in his life, Emperor Wen Hui began to regret that he should not have dealt with the big clan families' military power. If Ming Qi had another few generals like Shen Xin, was it that he would not need to be humble and servile in front of Great Liang?

But how would there be medication for regret in the world?

When Prince Rui saw that he did not reply, he smiled and stood up, "Běnwǎng understood." Then he turned around to leave.

"Wait!" Emperor Wen Hui stopped him.

Prince Rui stood still and smiled, "Bìxià better think it through. Jūnzhǔ (The Monarch) of a country's word is as heavy as nine tripods."

"Ming Qi and Great Liang have good relations and naturally Zhèn would assist in a virtuous purpose." Emperor Wen Hui was smiling uglier than crying as he said, "If the gūniáng of the Shen family marries to Rui Wáng, it is the good fortune of the gūniáng of the Shen family and Zhèn is happy to see through it. Don't worry, Zhèn will write the decree today and announce it in a few days' time in court." After pausing, he then spat out with difficulty, "The matter of the border cities…"

"Take that as the gifts for Bìxià." Prince Rui smiled and left in a good mood

After Prince Rui departed, Emperor Wen Hui became paralysed in his seat and sweat was forming on his forehead and his face was totally extremely red.

Anger, shame, humiliation and resentment were all intertwined on his face. However, he was unable to change anything at all.

This was perhaps the most unbearable thing in the world. He was obviously a monarch of a country but he could not help but admit his incompetence.

Gao Gōnggōng, who was standing at the side, dared not even breathe out deeply. Upon seeing the Emperor being forced into such a situation, as a servant, he was naturally terrified.

"Bring the paper to Zhèn." Emperor Wen Hui suddenly said after a while.

Gao Gōnggōng quickly complied.

Emperor Wen Hui's gaze was heavy. Although Prince Rui said that the matter of the border cities would not be mentioned, for the time being, it was the temporary peace that was exchanged by the Shen family's marriage. However, no one knew how long the temporary peace would last. The most important point was that after Shen Miao married Prince Rui, although Shen Xin was still Ming Qi's people, Emperor Wen Hui would no longer dare to trust Shen Xin.

Although previously he was suppressing Shen Xin, it was due to the fear that Shen Xin's achievements would supersede the master's but for generations, the Formidable Grand General was faithful, so, Emperor Wen Hui was still very trustful of Shen Xin's loyalty. However, with his daughter in Great Liang, if Great Liang wanted to use Shen Miao to leverage Shen Xin, who would know what Shen Xin would do?

This Shen Xin chess piece was considered to be discarded and the situation in Ming Qi would only be in more difficulty. In order to guard against Great Liang, Ming Qi had to quickly resume the ally relationship with Qin country. With two countries working together, there would be a chance to push back.

The Qin country was still furious with Huangfu Hao's and Princess Ming An's matters so Ming Qi had to show sincerity.

The Crown Prince must die.

Emperor Wen Hui closed his eyes.


To everyone's surprise, the conviction decree of the Crown Prince that Emperor Wen Hui handed out was so fast that it gave no time for others to think clearly. The Crown Prince then committed suicide in the prisons.

Whether it was suicide or not, from the eyes of those that could see clearly, it was all to protect the name of the Crown Prince. One could not let a Crown Prince to be beheaded in front of everyone like an average prisoner, moreover, it was a crime of the assassination of a Crown Prince of another country. If this was the case then on the next day, the majesty of the Imperial family would have disappeared.

The common people were easy to fool but official families knew of the dark ways. Who would know if the Crown Prince really committed suicide? The Imperial family always liked to give itself a good appearance but one feared that its body was the dirtiest.

When the news of the Crown Prince's suicide had spread, the Empress disputed it and afterwards fell seriously ill that she was unable to leave Kun Ning Palace so that she could properly recover.

The concubines in the Inner Palace all felt at risk. How would the Empress be seriously ill? It was because the Crown Prince was gone and the Empress did not have a pillar to rely on in her later part of her lifetime thus, one was not able to say that this position was stable. The Empress was heartbroken due to the loss of his beloved son and one fear that she would hate Emperor Wen Hui thus, Emperor Wen Hui would naturally be on guard against it. They could only know themselves if she could not leave because she was seriously sick or was under house arrest.

If the Empress fell from power, who would be the next master of the Six Palaces? Looking around, it was still Consort Xu Xian that had the highest chance of winning and Emperor Wen Hui favoured Consort Xu Xian. Consort Xu Xian still had two Princes and even though Prince Zhou and Prince Jing had been fighting to the death with Prince Li's clique, Prince Li did not have a favoured Consort Mother.

For Prince Zhou and Prince Jing, the time, geographical and social conditions were favourable.

Therefore, the concubines were all living carefully. At this juncture, one must not let others have leverage against oneself and if one was accidentally caught and used as a spear, that it would not be good.

With regards to Huangfu Hao's matter, other than the Crown Prince and the Empress being implicated, all the other implicated people were also affected. The worst one was the residence of the Minister of Land.

That day, it was the Young Master Wang of the residence of the Minister of Land that proposed to appreciate incense and even brought his wife along. Who knew that Huangfu Hao would stain Yi Feng Pavilion with blood? Wang Bi and Shen Dong Ling definitely could not escape.

But the thing that decided their crimes was not this.

The Minister of Land had been secretly involved in the business of illegal trading of salt. The illegal trade of salt was a heavy crime that the entire Wang residence would be implicated. Wang Bi and Shen Dong Ling were sentenced to be beheaded, the rest of the men in the Wang family were exiled while the females were sent to the border as army servants.

Those discerning people who saw Emperor Wen Hui's move saw that he was very furious as if he had been provoked and was deliberately venting one's anger. However, an Emperor's mind was always unpredictable, even though the officials were suspicious, they could only take action as ordered.

As Shen Miao was listening to Jing Zhe on the happenings over these past few days, she was drinking tea. Luo Tan, who was beside, could not stop popping the snowflake candy in her mouth.

The snowflake candy was brought over by Cong Yang. He mentioned that it was made by Great Liang's famous pastry chef and in the entire land under the skies, only the Imperial family of Great Liang could eat it. Shen Miao did not notice it but it was discovered by Luo Tan. Luo Tan was pleasantly surprised when she ate it the first time and asked Shen Miao where she bought it. Shen Miao only answered without thinking the matter through.

"The troubles that are caused by the matter of Qin Tàizǐ are really not small." Luo Tan spoke as she ate, "So many people are buried with him. It is not enough to exchange it for a Tàizǐ." When she spoke till the end, her voice was very soft, as if she feared that there were ears in the wall.

Shen Miao smiled slightly but was not surprised. However, her heart was shocked by Emperor Wen Hui's viciousness.

It was indeed that with such a father there would be such a son. That year, in order for Fu Xiu Yi to eradicate the Shen family and not leave any future troubles, he did not spare any thoughts about Fu Ming's and Wan Yu's life or death. At that time, she thought about how there would be such a ruthless person in the world. Now it seemed that Fu Xiu Yi's actions were exactly the same as Emperor Wen Hui's.

In the eyes of their Fu family, family, love or friendships were all not reliable. Only the power of the country was the one thing to be pursued in their life. In order to stabilise this position, it was nothing much to sacrifice a son. Anyways, there were still other women who could give birth to them.

This was most likely the unrighteousness that was deeply carved in the Fu family's bones.

Luo Tan saw that there was only a small amount of snowflake candy left on the plate and started counting with her fingers, "Xiǎo Gūgū and Gūfū had eaten it. Biǎogē has also eaten it. Only Ling Gēgē has yet to try it. These little bits will be kept for Ling Gēgē alright?" She looked towards Shen Miao.

Shen Miao naturally would not be calculative because of some food and nodded her head. (Translator: Oh… I know of a purple calculative smoke that will hear of this soon… HidAnas: haish… wrong move, dear… wrong move...)

"It would be great if you can remember where you bought this snowflake candy." Luo Tan sighed and said in pity, "I have eaten all the snacks in Xiao Chun City and had tried almost all the snacks in Ding capital city but it is one's first time eating such yummy snowflake candy. Even though you cannot remember, I plan to personally send people to search for it tomorrow. One must find this shop!"

Shen Miao kept quiet. This was made by the Imperial Kitchens of Great Liang so even if Luo Tan turned the entire Ding capital over, one feared that she would not be able to find this 'shop'. Shen Miao was somewhat regretful that she should have mentioned it was a small stall and not a 'shop'.

Luo Tan sighed again, "Ling Gēgē also likes to eat snacks and would definitely like this." After speaking, she seemed to have thought about something and said, "But these days, Ling Gēgē is somewhat strange."

Shen Miao asked, "What happened?" The main concern daily was not on this, thus she really did not know what changes there are with Luo Ling.

"Other than going to the Ministry of Defense, he would not go out upon returning to the residence and just practice martial arts in the courtyard." Luo Ling placed her hand under her chin to support as she spoke, "In the past, Ling Gēgē would not be that harsh on himself. Moreover, these days when I talk to him, he would be low-spirited, as if he had suffered a setback." Luo Tan looked towards Shen Miao, "Youngest Biao Sister, you are smart, do you know what happened to him?"

Shen Miao said, "I do not follow around him all the time so how would I be able to know what he is thinking?" Seeing Luo Tan's worried look, she comforted her, "Don't worry about it. Most likely it is because the end of the year is coming and it is about to be a busy time in the military. It will be fine after some time."

Luo Tan nodded her head. Just as they were speaking, they saw Shen Qiu and Luo Ling walking in one after another. Seeing both of them were both in the main hall, Luo Tan greeted, "Biǎogē, Ling Gēgē, come over to eat snowflake candy!"

Luo Ling entered the room and first looked at Shen Miao. Shen Miao smiled gently at Shen Qiu and his eyes could not help but dimmed as he walked to the side to sit down.

Shen Qiu unrestrainedly grabbed a piece of the snowflake candy to pop it in his mouth and asked, "How is it that both of you have such leisure time today?"

Luo Tan laughed as she joked with Shen Qiu when they heard the servant outside reporting that Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan had returned.

Shen Qiu said, "Just at the right time, Fùqīn and Mǔqīn have returned. We should have our meal."

Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan walked in but this time even the most outgoing Luo Tan also noticed that something was wrong.

Shen Xin's face was pale and he had an ugly expression on, whereas Luo Xue Yan seemed to be very angry. Normally, even if there were troublesome matters outside, Shen Xin and wife would not show such expression in front of their children. Moreover, both of them were open-minded people and there were very little matters that could anger them.

However today, they were obviously very angry.

The servants that were following Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan dared not even breathe as they lowered their heads to withdraw.

Luo Tan and Luo Ling were relatives, thus, even though they had doubts in their mind, it was difficult for them to ask. Shen Qiu wanted to ask but seeing his father putting on an expression of killing whoever that asked, he hesitated and dared not open his mouth.

In the end, it was Shen Miao who took the initiative to speak. She looked at Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan and smiled as she spoke, "Why are Fùqīn and Mǔqīn looking unhappy? Is it that there is something wrong outside?"

When Shen Miao spoke, Shen Xin and Luo Xue Yan looked over at Shen Miao at the same time. Shen Xin's gaze was filled with a complex mix of remorse, anger and grievances while Luo Xue Yan had a deeply guilty and helplessness in her eyes.

Shen Miao's heart sank but she very quickly understood that for Shen Xin and wife to display such an expression, one feared that this matter was related to her.

Luo Xue Yan took a deep breath and smiled, "It is nothing. It is just that there are some matters in court. Jiao Jiao is hungry right? Let's eat first."

It was just that the smile was so forceful that even Luo Tan's eyes became solemn.

Just what matter had become so serious that Shen Xin and wife who were not afraid of heaven and earth and were always outspoken would want to conceal? This matter had become so serious?

Shen Miao did not speak and did not consent but just looked at Shen Xin and wife. With her attitude, she was obviously waiting for reasoning as she did not believe Luo Xue Yan's explanation at all.

Shen Qiu had a burst of shock as he seemed to have seen this Shen Miao a few years ago. At that time, Shen Miao was still arrogant and was not as close to them as she was now but instead was more intimate with the Second and Third Households. Every time she wanted something from Shen Xin, she would stand in front of them and not speak a single word and was very stubborn about it.

In fact, from the past till now, Shen Miao seemed to have changed a lot but there were some habits in her bones that had never changed.

Shen Xin said, "Jiao Jiao, be obedient." He was rarely that strict to Shen Miao. If he was strict in the past, Shen Miao would have been in tears.

Luo Ling looked at her somewhat worried.

Shen Miao did not move and still had a bland expression on as she spoke, "Why are Fùqīn and Mǔqīn not telling me the truth? If I cannot solve it, at least share some of the worries. If I can solve it, wouldn't it be even better? To conceal the matter down would seem to be alienating one. I am not a child. I am like Dàgē, a member of the Shen family."

Shen Xin's lips moved but he did not speak.

Shen Xin looked at him with a pair of eyes as clear as a flowing stream. Under such a gaze, it was impossible for others to speak nothing but the truth to her. She continued, "Moreover, isn't this matter related to me?"

Luo Xue Yan was stunned as Luo Tan and Luo Ling looked strangely at Shen Miao, while Shen Qiu looked puzzled.

When Shen Xin heard the words, he stared at Shen Miao for a while before finally sighing deeply and said with a bitter smile, "Today during court, Huángshàng had passed a decree."

"Bestowing marriage for you." He said with great difficulty. "To Rui Wáng."